New Day Dawning Concert
New Day Dawning Concert Apr 02

New Day Dawning Concert

days hours remaining

Hosting an online concert featuring songs from my 9th album in progress entitled KINGDOM COME as well as some favorites from my other previous albums.

02-Apr-2022 - 07:30 - (GMT+00:00) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London Start date
02-Apr-2022 - 07:30 - (GMT+00:00) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London End date
Details posted at “Events” on webpage

Shalom Chaverim,

We are planning to have a brief briefing today

Yom Rishon (Sunday), Feb 20th, 19:00 Israeli time


Jitsi Meet

Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge
Camp Ephraim  is traveling to JERUSALEM

3 yrs

⚠️ We're looking at changing the conference to April 24th 2022. ⚠️

Camp Ephraim  is feeling Blessed

3 yrs

? HalleluYAH ❣️
Our first Ambassador got through the GATE at the Tel Aviv Airport.