Online Homeschool Family Conference | Homeschooling Torah
Online Homeschool Family Conference | Homeschooling Torah Aug 02

Online Homeschool Family Conference | Homeschooling Torah

days hours remaining

Our 8th Anniversary Homeschool Family Conference is August 2-5, 2021, and our theme is “Frameworks and Structures.” It is free to all!

You can have the benefit of a live conference without the expensive price tag or travel time.

With this year’s conference, you can enjoy the sessions from the comfort of your computer, tablet, or phone. You’ll be able to chat live with other conference attendees — or if you’re busy during a session, you can watch them later for no charge on HomeschoolingTorah’s YouTube Channel. Speakers will include Kraig and Anne Elliott, Christine Miller, and other wise parents.

Learn how to strengthen your marriage, find joy in mothering, show love to your children, model self control, tackle early-childhood education, teach reading, writing, and arithmetic, and gain skill as a great teacher to your children! In addition, learn the history of homeschooling, set long-term goals for your children, and work with your spouse to establish a family vision and purpose. And that's not everything! :-) Register free today at

02-Aug-2021 - 10:00 - (GMT+00:00) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London Start date
05-Aug-2021 - 21:00 - (GMT+00:00) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London End date

Our family conference is over. What an awesome week! You can check out replays of everything at

2021 Homeschool Family Conference | Homeschooling Torah

2021 Homeschool Family Conference | Homeschooling Torah

4 yrs ·Youtube

At 2 PM Eastern, a call for family repentance! In this session, Kraig and Anne look at Isaiah 58 to find comfort and hope for our world. We will discover how to be Torah-observant from the heart, not in action only, so that our families are revolutionized.

4 yrs ·Youtube

Good morning! Join us right now for "What a Loving Home Looks Like."

4 yrs ·Youtube

In tonight's session, we’re going to learn how to set long-range goals in seven areas of your life, and how to help your children do the same. I'll share tips on lesson planning, setting standards for education, and preparing high-school students for college and careers.

Join us at 9 PM Eastern!

You can get the handout at

4 yrs ·Youtube

At 2 PM, we're going to keep going on our fun discussion of "how to teach." You’ll learn how to build your lessons on what your student already knows, how to direct your student to be a discoverer, and how to help him check his progress so that he can apply what he learns to his life. Finally, we’ll share the most profitable thing you can add to every lesson, to ensure your lessons stick!

Download the handout at