WE DECLARE Ephesians 3:20 and Jeremiah 29;11-13 over our life. YHVH will do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask and pray for in His will for us. Because we honor Him, His blessings will fill every part of our lives. We declare healing and restoration in our life and hope with a future. We will be in the right place at the right time and all the time. All our days will be according to the prosperous of YHVH and the future He planned for us. We will go out of our way to spread the good news to others and not listen to the lies of the devil. We are surrounded by YHVH's favor, goodness and promises that will materialize wherever we go. We are surrounded and filled with gratitude and renewed Spirit of Joy as a overflowing cup filled with YHVH's abundance. Joy is ours, hope is with us and our Redeemer and Saviour Yeshua HaMashiach is our declaration freedom in YHVH. We will not be slaves of fear. We will not be in captivity. We will not accept a brokenness in our life. We are set free and victorious, with a hope and future through YHVH who is our only God Allmighty and powerful. HalleluYah. This is our declaration. Amein!