November 17 2017 During the night I had two visions. I was standing in the door of our family’s home and heard a loud voice saying “Get to the wilderness,” and I was instantly in a forested land standing on the banks of a beautiful creek and seeing flocks of birds feasting in the trees that had their branches bent over from the weight of ripe fruit across the creek. The same voice then said “Tell my people and my elect to get to the wilderness and there I will care for them as a father cares for his son.” I woke up and realized it was a message from God.
I fell asleep again and had another vision and I was on the banks of that creek again in that wilderness and the voice spake to me from heaven saying get to the mountains. I looked to my right and there were mountains like only a few have seen, majestic, beautiful, and very hard to climb. The voice said “Climb this mountain”. I had only gone a few steps when I was at the top and the voice said again “Look around you at the nations of the earth and see the evil and darkness. For they work iniquity against me and against each other.” And I looked around and there were scavenger birds flying in circles above the towns looking for something. Smoke was everywhere, there was chaos, fire and darkness and lights everywhere because of how dark it was. Noise, loud music, and neon lights were in the mix too. The voice spoke for the last time that night saying “Get ye to the world and warn them of my coming judgement. Plead with them. Enlist the assistance of the church. Also speak to the church and tell them I said to wake up and get to work. Dwell in the wilderness and I will be with you and bless you. I woke up and realized that that was the last and final message for me that night.