Part 8 --- GIVE US --- Dependence
When we pray give us this day our daily bread, we demonstrate our dependence upon YHVH. In the preceding revelations, we found matters that dealt with heaven and Elohim’s Dominion and Power. Now we begin to focus more on specifics that deal with our daily needs. Prayer must have dependence upon Adonai or it’s not prayer at all. Without dependence on YHVH nothing happens. We acknowledge our dependence upon Adonai here in prayer. The Bible never teaches independence. We are always dependent upon our Adonai. That’s what poor in spirit means. Somebody who is dependent upon Elohim for everything. Psalm 104:28 says, “You give to them, they gather in; You open Your Hand, they are satisfy with good”. YHVH supplies everything. You and I can do nothing without Him