2 Tevet 5782
December 6 2021
Shalom family. At a wedding Feast many came to attend the marriage of two who is making a Covenant to stand with another no matter what circumstances may be.
At the door of the entrance each one receives bread crumbs in a silk bag. These crumbs presents a time of great suffering. A time where no one has money to buy or sell.
Then a King appears on his extravagant horse making his presence. Opening the door to the most beautiful place and envite all the guest to be seated. The tables are set in the most presented way. Filled with food for a King.
Why the crumbs?
This is to remind us of our dependence on YHVH. "Please give us our daily bread."
You ask for bread and receive crumbs?
The crumbs is to remind you that even the birds are valuable to our Elohim. He made sure that everyone will be fed. Those who call upon Him will reach His ears in time of need.
You are invited to the best wedding Feast.
Last night the 8th oil lamp made light to Jerusalem. When the last one made light I felt my body filled with the Holy presence.
Everyone had so much joy, singing and dancing and celebrating the light. The entire Jerusalem, the valleys and cities celebrated looking forward to the coming Messiah
How Amazing is our Elohim. Even in a time such as this, He restore the hope and joy.
The world has become numb and morbid instead of being joyful in YHVH. Giving thanks and standing strong in what His promises are.
We pray today that the joy of YHVH will fill every part of your life and fill your homes with His Glory
We experience a time of light and new season for all His good reasons. We are to take hands in this time, bring our families together and forgive all past errors, making peace and rediscover the meaning and values of being one family, walking in His light
Many do not understand the moon phases and how it relates and refers to Feasts, seasons and times. The Calendar was given to us to mark a time and date. The fullmoon dates are precious. The 14 and 15th of the Hebrew Calendar especially.
Shall we observe moon cycles? What does the full moon represent?
New moons marked the beginning of months in the lunar-based Hebrew calendar.
The moon is one of the “great lights” that YHVH made in the cycle of the creation (Genesis 1:14–18)
The prophet Joel foretold us in his prophecy that the sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of YHVH ” (Joel 2:31
Revelation 6:12). Isaiah 30:26 indicates to us of an unnaturally bright moon that will play a part when the Day of YHVH comes.
Some cultures have attributed divine qualities to the sun and moon and built altars to them and worshiped them.
The moon sickle and star will be found in the Muslim community ☪️
In Deuteronomy YHVH warned us about this Deuteronomy 4:19: “When you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars all the heavenly array do not be enticed into bowing down to them.”
We use the moon to indicate the season and the time. We do not worship it. We only Worship one God YHVH Almighty
Something to keep in mind.
Many find it difficult to let go of possessions. They just cannot part with the earthly belongings.
The moon is a creation of YHVH, just as the earth is, and not worthy of worship or praise but we are thankful to YHVH for His creation.
When we turn our focus from the Creator to the creation and make it more valuable that YHVH, we are guilty of idolatry.
Read Romans 1:25
Yeshua HaMashiach brought light to us and being the lamp to our feet.
An important spiritual truth is that we can learn is that the full moon in all it's fullness and as bright or beautiful it can appear infact has no brilliance and radiance of light on its own.
The moon relies entirely upon the sun for its light.
Without the sun, the moon is merely a dark rock wandering in the atmosphere.
Even the moon needs light to give off the radiance of light
We need Yeshua HaMashiach to help us being in the light. He is the light of the world and we are created created to be the reflectors of His light and glory.
Thank you all being part of this family and helping one another to see the light even in darkness.
May this day be a day of new Revalation and blessings.
Be blessed and stay blessed ?