The Tanakh (Old Testament) seems to describe two messiahs: the Son of Joseph and the Son of David, the suffering Servant and the conquering King. Rabbinic tradition says that Messiah ben Yosef must precede ben David, but what if they're the same messiah who saves Israel twice? Messiah ben Joseph is known to the world as the messiah of Egypt (allegorically the world), but he is an Israelite messiah hidden from Israel's understanding by pagan trappings. Meek, misunderstood, a martyr and servant without guile or ambition, yet elevated by the treachery of his own brothers to rule the world.

The roles of ben David and ben Yosef are transposed in #vayigash (#genesis 44:18-47:27). Joseph is the king and Judah gives his life. But Joseph's great reveal is an image of #yeshua transformed from ben Yosef to ben David. All will know Him then.