Part 3) Peace:

Peace means “to join, tie together into a whole” – properly, wholeness, i.e. when all essential parts are joined together; peace (YHVH’s gift of wholeness). The word is literally translated as, “when all essential parts are joined together; Elohim’s gift of wholeness.”
Peace is something we hear Yeshua also mentioning in His Ministry (John 14:27). In addition, Paul speaks a lot about Moshiach bringing peace to the Gentiles and Jews through the Cross. This is important as it reinforces the idea that peace makes us whole. Having peace is an indicator that you trust YHVH and have deep faith beyond what you can see with your eyes. For peace only comes when you fully submit to Adonai and entrust your life to Him.

Peace might be a Fruit you naturally have if:

a)You don’t have difficulty staying present in a moment.
b) You are comfortable (or even welcome) with uncertainty.
c) You’re known as a person who brings stability and wisdom to situations.

You might struggle with peace if:

i) You find yourself consumed with the past or the future excessively.
ii) You like to gossip (or talk about with pleasure) chaotic situations.
iii) You tend to have a lot of unresolved conflicts throughout your history.

Part 4) Patience:

This virtue is something we see Elohim displaying every day. The fact that YHVH has not ended this world is an act of patience because He is following His plan and His will. In addition, YHVH not only stayed with humanity despite the fact we continually rejected and dishonoured Him, He then decided to save the world at the perfect time through His Son. All of this is an act of patience. So, with that understanding, we look back to the original meaning of the word and see patience coupled with long-suffering. It is an act of reservation, withholding from improper anger. The patience emphasis seems to be linked with withstanding long-suffering. Now, this doesn’t mean you simply endure suffering, but again the Fruit of the Spirit is only administered through the Spirit. Just because you survive a storm doesn’t necessarily mean patience is your natural gift. This type of patience is from Ruach HaKodesh and bears a strong resemblance to holiness, as do all of the Fruit of the Spirit.

Patience might be a Fruit you naturally have if:

a) You recognize the value of processes.
b) You feel comfortable in incomplete or yet to be fulfilled circumstances.
c) You feel at ease when you have to wait for something.

You might struggle with patience if you:

i) You expect immediate results for everything.
ii) You feel anxious if you don’t have everything figured out or completely under control. iii) Waiting is concerning or upsetting to you.