Part 7) Faithfulness:

I love the opening definition of this word, “Faith is always a gift from YHVH and never something that can be produced by people. *Side note there is no direct translation of this word from the ancient Greek, as there is no Greek equivalent to the word “faithfulness,” Rather, the root word for interpretation here is the Greek word for “faith.” Faithfulness is shown through devotion, especially when things are not easy or confusing. People who possess this Fruit of the Spirit, remain in YHVH for everything, despite circumstances.

Faithfulness might be a Fruit you naturally have if:

a) You easily run to YHVH during hardships and don’t struggle to stay connected to Him during the trial.
b) You’re able to stay closely connected and dependant on YHVH even during good times when you have few needs.
c) You strongly feel YHVH’s purpose in both big and mundane moments.

You might struggle with faithfulness if:

i) You easily feel abandoned by YHVH, especially when things aren’t going well.
ii) Your spiritual life dries up quickly when you have few needs or hardships in your life.
iii) You tend to feel Elohim isn’t deeply involved with your life, regardless of the circumstances.

Part 8) Gentleness:

The root of this word literally means mildness, gentle strength or “expresses power with reserve and gentleness.” This shouldn’t be confused with being meek, as in afraid to speak up or do things. There is an intentional gentleness with this Fruit of the Spirit. In this gentleness, power is found, much like Yeshua often displayed in His ministry. Compassion is a motivator here. This Fruit is seen played out when there may be conflict. The person who has this Fruit looks for healthy resolutions and is incredibly compassionate, but yet still strong when addressing difficult matters or situations.

Gentleness might be a Fruit you naturally have if:

a) You’re able to authentically listen to people with a differing point of view without becoming upset or defensive.
b) You’re known for bringing order to chaotic situations with grace and compassion.
c) You have the reputation as a good person for hurting people to talk to about difficult problems.

You might struggle with gentleness if:

i) You have a difficult time hearing other opinions and often end up in arguments.
ii) You often find yourself choosing sides during conflicts and entering into the fray.
iii) People are often afraid of how you’ll react to bad news or their vulnerable problems