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In the review of the last episode, Rabbi Berkson cautions about deceptive teachers as John also cautioned in 1 John 4:1. This deception is at work today in some faiths in that they are actually a “World System mixed with Truth”. As Rabbi Berkson points out, some people have a tough time hearing the message from the Word of Elohim because it’s not delivered in a way that matches their predetermined ideas of how it should be dispensed. The teachers in this system are also guarded in what they say and how they say it because of being more concerned with offending people than with pleasing Elohim.

In 1 John 4:7 Rabbi Berkson begins this teaching by explaining how we are to love each other who are of the same mind in Messiah. He explains the if we can’t love each other, how can we extend any love outside of ourselves and to those whom Elohim would want to have in covenant with Him.

In verse 9 the word ‘manifest’ is used and Rabbi Berkson wants to make sure the definition of that word does not get lost in any previous understanding we may have. The word ‘manifest’ means to be revealed to the seeing eye. Messiah is manifested through us as we live through Him, not the other way around, loving others as He would love them.
Rabbi Berkson once again dissects these passages so that you will have a deeper understanding of what Yah expects of you, so that you can do it and receive the blessings.

00: 00 Review
06: 25 A World System Mixed with Truth
11: 02 Who Matches Whom?
17: 18 You can choose how you feel about anything
19: 06 They think they have the Truth
24: 35 Do you know Elohim according to 1 John 4:8?
30: 18 That we might live through Messiah
35: 00 In this is love
38: 06 No one has seen Elohim?
43: 08 Whoever confesses
49: 20 If you walk in fear…
56: 06 Why not seek counsel?
01: 01:16 Because He first loved us

Links to related and suggested teachings:
• INfocus: Messi-Mutt
• INfocus: Hammers & Screwdrivers
• Darkness & Light
• INfocus: Fear & Doubt vs Faith & Belief
• The Fear of Yahweh

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