Is somebody getting nervous? /_)

Brad Raffensperger Argues the State Farm Suitcase Video Was "Urban Myth" - Kicking Out Obversers, Rolling Out Suitcases and Shoving Ballots Thru Machines 3 Times in Middle of Night is Completely Acceptable (VIDEO)

Brad Raffensperger Argues the State Farm Suitcase Video Was "Urban Myth" - Kicking Out Obversers, Rolling Out Suitcases and Shoving Ballots Thru Machines 3 Times in Middle of Night is Completely Acceptable (VIDEO)

Last week Georgia election operatives Ruby Freeman and her daughter Wandrea “Shaye” Moss sued The Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft and Joe Hoft for allegedly conducting a “campaign of lies” against the two women that led to online and