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Joshua Williams
Especially on topics regarding women, John seems to try hard to make scripture match our culture's ideals, but the two simply aren't compatible. God handed out different roles. Just like Adam and Eve, women are often deceived into leaving their role and men often rebelliously reject theirs. Both are "transgression," but the men are much more guilty.
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Emily Ferguson
Doctrines about Eve being the one who brought sin into the world and the way that is used to say all women are more easily deceived are disgusting. Certain schools of thought will twist this story to put women under men no matter how they interprete it.
Eve was deceived? Well all women are more easily deceived , therefore need male leaders.
Eve was rebellious? Well yes, her sin was not following Adam's leadership so all women must now obey their husbands.
Adam wasn't present- see how that's Eve's fault for going off without him.
Adam was present- well, yea, but see how the serpent came to her first because she was weaker?
I believe a more accurate understanding is that they were both right there, Eve was deceived and Adam rebelled. And that says *nothing* about all men and women for all time.
We can't use the SINS of two individuals to uphold a doctrine of "God given" roles for all people.
In the beginning was unity between God, man and woman. They were in perfect alignment with God. They broke that unity by aligning only with each other and the serpent. That broke unity for all time, but we can still come back into unity with God and each other if we so choose.
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Willie Du Toit
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