Hey guys... Not sure who all sees this, but feel free to chime in.
On FB in many TO groups I've found followers who suggest to track the new moons ourselves and to blow the shofar horn at the new moon.

Now... I get that it's a OT command, or instruction but what I'm not seeing is clear evidence that EVERYONE (excluding women, as I've read I cannot blow it for him) is instructed to do that. My spouse and I are very cautious about adopting new traditions, and tend to stick to written Torah instructions. We were not raised in TO communities so there is A LOT we do not know.

Is there any additional information any of you have on this topic? Was it just the Levites? Do you blow the shofar at home, if so how do you uphold this and what do you recommend? What scripture do you have to back this act up? Is there scripture discussing these roles or just common practice? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.