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Picking up where we left off in the Gospel of John chapter 15, Rabbi Steve Berkson picks up in verse 16 where he explains how Yeshua has chosen us to be a part of His work here on the earth. Even though at that time He was talking directly to His disciples, giving them instruction before He was about to be killed, His words can apply to us today if we will allow ourselves to be discipled through His Holy Spirit and produce the fruit He expects to see.

All of what Rabbi Berkson has unpacked from John 15 is about love for one another in the way the Father expects us to love. We are called and chosen so that we are no longer a part of the world and its ways. As we pull away from the world to follow Messiah and live according to Torah we will experience a disdain from others who do not understand Messiah or why we choose to follow Him.

Rabbi Berkson once again dissects these passages so that you will have a deeper understanding of what Yah expects of you, so that you can do it and receive the blessings.

00:00 Intro & Review
13:09 John 15:16 - I chose you
17:13 It’s all about loving each other
24:19 John 15:19 - If you were of the world…
29:59 Don’t mock them - you were them
36:23 John 15:20 - A servant is not greater than his master
40:11 Looking for the anointed ones
45:39 John 15:22 - When Messiah speaks to them
50:36 Accepting the reality
54:55 Acting like the Above or the Below?
59:03 John 15:26-27 - Bearing witness of Messiah

Links to related and suggested teachings:
• The Millennium & The Kingdom
• INfocus: The Delusion Bubble
• Do You Know the Father and the Son?
• INfocus: You Are a Threat
• Beware False Prophets
• No Other Name

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