Shalom Shalom family ?
Thank you for each one that joined together as one body in our Creator, our Saviour and Holy Spirit.
As each Morning is a gift from YHVH, let us at all times rejoice in prayer and Thanksgiving for the blessings we have.
YHVH our God Allmighty, Great is Thy faithfulness, that endures forever and ever. Father Your compassion , Grace, faithfulness, mercy, and love shield us every day. We give You all the Glory and Praises. Thank You for renewing our awakening Spirit this day, giving us a new beginning each morning to walk in Thy wil and way. Thank You for saving lives and opportunities this day to do all that is good and right in your eyes. Please guard us from all evil and corruption. Please fill our hearts with gladness and joy. Than You for forgiveness and the Saving Grace of Yeshua HaMashiach as our sin offering. Thank You for our daily bread and all provisions. We are calling upon Your Holy Name YHVH to reign. Let Thy Kingdom come and will be done on earth as in heaven. Amein
Be blessed and stay blessed ?