One of many differences in being in the BODY of the Messiah is that you look OUTWARDLY. But, even with that powerful truth, The Messiah told EACH ONE OF US to LOVE your neighbor as yourself. HOW much do you LOVE what the LORD has done in YOUR life? DO you TRUST that the LORD so loved the WORLD that he gave his ONLY begotten SON for it? NO one can LOVE you more than THE LORD, so how can there be self-pity? NOW HE is the eraser for self-pity, ALL THINGS WORK FOR THE GOOD FOR THOSE WHO LOVE THE LORD AND ARE CALLED TO HIS PURPOSE. If you have what you think is just cause to feel pity for yourself, turn that into a fight for your purpose because Satan is keeping you from your purpose. Having done ALL ~ Stand. Have you done ALL? When that happens STAND! And you will be standing before the LORD and ALL the HOST.
