Shalom brethren!

The World of Moriyah consists of a medieval fantasy universe without any previously imputed pagan influences in fictional works over the years, — by writers ignorant of the matter or not — with the ultimate goal of bringing back to children, young people and even adults the desire to read the scriptures, which are constantly losing their value in these times. Many — if not most — people have concepts pre-programmed in their minds when it comes to the scriptures/bible; and part of my job as a writer is to destroy what is bad and poorly designed, and to praise and bring out what was done right! And that's exactly what the World of Moriyah is here to do!

And besides the ultimate goal, we have some objectives as well:

1 - The primary objective of the project is to reach all those who really belong to the people of promise, THE PEOPLE OF YISRAEL, through pure content, without pagan influences, and with high quality.
2 - The secondary is taking my livelihood from here. After all, it is impossible to focus on several activities expecting good results in all of them at the same time.
3 - And the last goal, but not least, is to provide kadosh/pure fun for reading lovers, without having to worry about "eating" bad things, rooting for murderous villains, "feeding" on things that don't sustain.

With that being said, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with great honor that I present you the plan of action of the project "Moriyah"

Phase 1: "Scrolls from the past";

I will write 22 tales — 1 a week — without an active timeline. The first short story will be posted on the Roman date of 01/06/2022, the second on 01/15/2022 and on every Sunday thereafter. The tales will be similar/inspired to/in the manuscripts of the apostles: Paul, Peter, Clement etc; and the objective is to arouse curiosity and make you, the reader, get to know better the key characters, from those who make up the universe;

1 - The tales shall be posted on the first sunday of each week after the first one sent.
2 - The tales shall have each one its semi-illustrated cover.
3 - They shall be posted here at
4 - The tales shall be posted in Brazilian Portuguese and in English.

Phase 2: "The world breaths".

The second phase consists on starting the creation of a novel (big ol' book of 500+ pages - possible saga), where:

1 - The short stories will be incorporated into the novel, but now in their chronological order according to the main story;
2 - The book will be partially illustrated, having 1 image as the cover of each chapter; supporters will receive the illustration and the first 2 pages of each chapter here at in a non-shareable format.
3 - Once complete, supporters will receive a discount when purchasing the book; both the online and the physical version.

Phase 3: "Endless Roads".

Phase 3 consists in the creation of 50+ maps, like this big boy here that I'm attaching to the post (along with the link of the first tale with original theme song and with a sick original illustrated cover); The maps will be those of ALL kingdoms, manors, towns and cities in the world of Moriyah, that's right, ALL. Maps will be released on the website at the end of each month* from the declaration of the start of Phase 3; as a sign of my loyalty and gratitude to those who help me survive, the maps will be posted right here on, and will be made available for download.

Phase 4: "Cartographic Enciclopedia".

Now it gets good. The fourth phase is basically the coolest of all, because it consists of compiling ALL the maps created — in phase 3 — into one HARDCOVER BOOK! Phase 4 is basically the culmination of our short-medium term goals, however, as you may have noticed, the campaign is monthly on and on; that is, future projects in the universe of Moriyah will accompany the first one (YAH willing)!

I know I've written too much, and I also know that sometimes we don't have the time nor the patience to read this big of a description, — even though this shows you a little bit of the writer of the project, hint hint — but for you that read up to this point, I thank you very much for your availability and for the interest you presented in this project that goes way beyond some lines in an endless blank page. We are talking about salvation here; and we know it is individual, however there is nothing that says we cannot push people towards their OWN salvation with the delicacy of a rhinoceros lol.

From the bottom of my heart I thank first YHUH for this opportunity, and for your support.

Feel free to take a look in the first work made by the Moriyah team:
passcode: longing

Muito Obrigado / Thank you Very Much / תודה רבה.
