426 -- Not to build an altar of hewn stone
427 -- Not to mount the altar by steps
428 -- To build the Sanctuary
429 -- Not to remove the staves from the Ark
430 -- To set the showbread and the frankincense before Adonai every Shabbat
431 -- To kindle lights in the Sanctuary
432 -- That the breastplate shall not be loosened from the ephod
433 -- To offer up incense twice daily
434 -- Not to offer strange incense nor any sacrifice upon the golden altar
435 -- That the kohein shall wash his hands and feet at the time of service
436 -- To prepare the oil of anointment and anoint high kohanim and kings with it
437 -- Not to compound oil for lay use after the formula of the anointing oil
438 -- Not to anoint a stranger with the anointing oil
439 -- Not to compound anything after the formula of the incense
440 -- That he who in error, makes unlawful use of sacred things, shall make restitution of the value of his trespass and add a fifth
441 -- To remove the ashes from the altar
442 -- To keep fire always burning on the altar of the burnt-offering
443 -- Not to extinguish the fire on the altar
444 -- That a kohein shall not enter the Sanctuary with dishevelled hair
445 -- That a kohein shall not enter the Sanctuary with torn garments
446 -- That the kohein shall not leave the Courtyard of the Sanctuary, during service
447 -- That an intoxicated person shall not enter the Sanctuary nor give decisions in matters of the Law
448 -- To revere the Sanctuary - today, this applies to synagogues
449 -- That when the Ark is carried, it should be carried on the shoulder
450 -- To observe the second Passover
451 -- To eat the flesh of the Paschal lamb on it, with unleavened bread and bitter herbs
452 -- Not to leave any flesh of the Paschal lamb brought on the second Passover until the morning
453 -- Not to break a bone of the Paschal lamb brought on the second Passover
454 -- To sound the shofar at the offering of sacrifices and in times of trouble
455 -- To watch over the edifice continually
456 -- Not to allow the Sanctuary to remain unwatched
457 -- That an offering shall be brought by one who has in error committed a trespass against sacred things or robbed or lain carnally with a bond-maid betrothed to a man or denied what was deposited with him and swore falsely to support his denial. This is called a guilt-offering for a known trespass
458 -- Not to destroy anything of the Sanctuary, of synagogues or of houses of study, nor erase the Holy Names of YAHVEH; nor may sacred scriptures be destroyed

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