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Robert Kepha Ben Yisrael Chamberlin
Please find below the basic plan of action and outline for bringing the Good News of Yahshua
worldwide in the next 3 years.
Specific Purpose Statement- To preach the good news of Yahshua to all continents, worldwide, within
3 years, as a witness to His soon coming Kingdom, using the COYJ website as the avenue to do so.
The internet is the most economical and wide range avenue that is available to us today to effectively
bring the good news of Yahshua worldwide with very little manpower and very little financial resources.
The key to this plan is simply getting people to the website. I believe that Yahweh has blessed the
Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem with the clearest, most precise, and accurate doctrine of any
congregation on earth. There is no other congregation on earth that is teaching about restoring the land
covenant to Israel, as well as being based by Yahweh in the very Holy land itself. We also have been
blessed with being revealed the true name of our heavenly Father Yahweh, and His son Yahshua, as
well as understanding who the tribes of Israel are today and the significance of the re-gathering of those
tribes back to the land of Israel in the end times. Yahweh has also blessed us with the wonderful
knowledge of exactly what is the Kingdom of Yahweh and how to prepare to be ambassadors for that
kingdom. I know of no other organization on earth who is preaching this correctly.
With this wonderful spiritual knowledge that Yahweh has poured out and bestowed upon us, there is a
great responsibility to bring this message to the world. Adam failed at bearing fruit with the true message
of Yahweh; we don’t want to make the same mistake. I believe the information that Yahweh inspired last
year on the purpose of man is vital for us to teach people so they understand the purpose of man on this
earth. I know of no other congregation on earth that was blessed with this knowledge. Mankind must
understand his purpose for being created was to bear fruit (make disciples for the kingdom of Yahweh).
He must also understand that the Torah is the training manual for planting that fruit, cultivating and
nurturing it, and then also harvesting it when it is ripe. The purpose of man study explains all of this in
We also have the Great falling Away book. This book was truly inspired by Yahweh and is thorough
and yet at the same time simple to read and touches the heart of the reader. In almost 10 years now
after writing the book, we just had the 6th printing and the book has gone worldwide. We receive orders
and letters of new people coming to faith every week.
We also have the bible lessons on-line that are the foundation to having the truth of Yahweh, which is
repenting of one’s sins, being immersed in the family name of Yahweh and moving on in newness of life.
Every major topic in the bible including the Sabbath, holy days, the state of the dead, the reward of the
saved and the newest lesson, the Kingdom of Yahweh are on line and free of charge.
However, I believe our biggest asset is that we now have a bible translation that is the closest to what
the Apostles had and has not been available for almost 2,000 years. Mat 24:14 states "This good news
will be published in all the earth for a testimony to all nations and then the end will come”. Praise
Yahweh that He is using us for this great purpose and the New Hebraic Roots Bible is being used to
fulfill His will.
We need to be able to promote that people can download all these items for free. We must also
remember that this campaign that we are being inspired to embark on is not to convert (although Praise
Yahweh many will be called to the truth) but it is as a testimony or witness to the evil in this wicked world
and the plagues that are coming before Yahshua will return.
This initiative is not the work of Don Esposito. I don’t believe that one man could bring the good news
worldwide and I also don’t believe Yahweh would want it that way, as He must get all the glory in this
end time work of His. I will merely be the coordinator and facilitator of this program and assess and
problem solve to try to make sure of its success.
Each person needs to make themselves a committee of one and be will be responsible to promoting the
website in his given area using the internet, radio, fliers, local media, and local outreach of the brethren.
Let me say this very clear; THIS IS NOT A ONE MAN JOB. The more brethren we can get involved the
better. We can literally witness to millions if not billions of people through the site. We will have a simple 3 step plan in getting them to the site; first having them read the Great Falling Away, and then start the
bible correspondence course, and then listen to the sermons and read other studies and Remnant’s
Walks for their spiritual maturity.
We have a great task before us, and our manpower and resources are miniscule. We are truly like
Gideon’s army and we will prevail the same as he did with Yahweh’s blessing. This will bring a much
greater workload to many of us, and in many areas such as the USA and South America there is a great
vacuum of trained and qualified leadership. We will also set up an elders network on line when the
situation warrants it, to have the people be able to study the lessons and have on line support from
elders for questions and counseling.
In addition, in the first year of the three year plan, I plan on having home pages set up on the website for
Tagalog, German, Afrikaans, and Spanish so that each of those areas will have a little flag on our
homepage so that local indigents can get all the lessons, books etc in the local languages. I will also be
expanding greatly our radio programs on line as well as producing more lessons and making the site
more attractive and user friendly. I will also set a team that can promote specifically the Hebraic Root
Bible and get it connected to such forums as e-sword and other bible distributing venues.
Just to give you a little update on the website that started in 2006;
2006-2008- we averaged about 150 gigabyte a month now we average 700 to 2000 a month
2006-2008 we averaged about 1,000 visitors a month to the site, now it is 10,000 to 15,000
2006 to 2008- we had people from about 5 to 10 countries a month, now to is 75 to 80 a month
2006 to 2008-we had about 2500 to 5000 downloads a month, now it is 10,000 to 20,000
2006-2008 we had 1500 to 2000 hits a day, now we are getting around 10,000 hits a day, and millions a
year. We have thousands that get my e-mail updates from Israel and new people joining almost daily.
We have set a foundation where now things are ready to explode. The key is to always remember that
we represent Yahweh and this is His work. We must always remember that we are serving out of our
love for Yahweh and His creation, and that mammon should never play into decision making in bringing
the good news to the world. We must remember to always portray ourselves with dignity and honor and
loyalty to the wonderful Creator that we serve.
While we are performing this program we never want to compromise with the truth or embellish any part
of Yahweh’s word. We simply want to bear witness that what He has done in our lives and the great
purpose that He has for those who love Him and keep His commandments. May we be faithful as we
embark on this work.
B’shem Yahshua,
Preaching the Good News
I’m sure most of us out there who are believers have wondered at one time or another, what is
my responsibility for the calling that Yahweh has given me? We read from the Father’s Word
that He says “For anyone who is given much to him, much is required from him.” Luke 12:48.
What exactly are we called to do? If we read Matt. 28:18-20 it states, “All authority in Heaven
and on earth was given to Me.” He is in control. Next He tells His disciples (or students), which
we are, “disciple all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son, and the
Holy Spirit (Yahweh’s supreme power) teaching them to observe all things, whatever I
commanded you.” So He tells us exactly what we are to do.
Think now for one moment. This was said two thousand years ago. If ever, for the last two
thousand years, this chain was broken so to speak, how could we today have the proper Good
News? But Yahshua said in Matt. 16:18 that He would build His congregation (or better yet, His
elect body) and the gates of hell would never prevail against it. In other words by His Spirit for
two thousand years He would relay the Good News through his chosen called out ones until His
Now the last sentence of Matt. 28:20 is also very important. It says, “behold, I am with you all
the days until the completion of the age”. We have seen men try to take the place of the
Messiah for the last two thousand years, and yet He said He has never left. So the very first
point when thinking about the great commission here in Matt. 28 is to let Messiah lead us, and
to NOT do the work of men. Eph. 2:10 says that “for we are His workmanship, created in
Messiah Yahshua unto good works, which YAHWEH before prepared that we should walk in
them.” Where Brethren have gotten off base on this subject before is when they stop seeking
Yahweh’s will and start following their own will.
And yet if we are true disciples, and just want to share the joy of our salvation and His
Kingdom with others, preaching the Good News could be the most rewarding and fulfilling
aspect of our lives. Hab. 1:5 says, “Look among the nations and behold, and be amazed. Be
amazed! For a work is working in your days which you will not believe, though it be told to you.”
It is the most exciting thing a human being can imagine being a part of that work.
We read in Acts 8:4, “Then indeed, the ones who being scattered passed through, preaching
the Word of Elohim.” And dropping down to verse thirty, “And running near, Philip heard him
reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, Indeed, do you know what you are reading? But he said,
How am I able to comprehend unless someone instructs me? And he called Philip near, to
come up to sit with him.”
It is a great honor to us that our Holy Father has chosen us to be a part of bringing sons to
salvation. That is the work of Yahweh. We are the work of Yahweh. And we do have a
responsibility (as Yahweh leads us) to help others down their path of salvation. The following
page will give you some ideas on Matt. 24, our two fold commission in doing this great work. By
far it is not an exhaustive list but at least it is a start, and a way to give some ideas on how to
accomplish this great commission. I have included in this packet simple booklets on our basic
beliefs on Sabbath, Holy Days, The Plan of Salvation, The Family of Yahweh, and the Kingdom
of Yahweh. May our Heavenly Father rich bless you as you get out there and start sharing your
joy with others that He brings into your path.
Matt. 24:14 The Twofold Commission
Matt. 24:14 says that “the Good News of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the earth for a
testimony to all the nations”. I like to refer to this passage as the great two fold commission. 1)
Literally preaching the written Word (the Good News) and 2) As a witness, showing by the
example of our lives, the way we live, that we really are Messiah’s disciples.
1) Preach the Good News:
A) Pamphlets – It is easy as putting them out at train stations, supermarkets, and local stores
in your community. Places like Wal-Mart and other mega stores have free advertising boards
that you could put the coyhwh website information on or other flyers. This is one of the most
simple and most effective ways to preach the Good News in a local area and to give Yahweh a
chance to bring new sons to you in your local areas.
Radio – You could sponsor this ministry that you believe in, by getting CD’s from the website
and sending them to any local radio station. Simply go to our radio section and download the
programs onto discs and go and negotiate with a local radio station for the best price to play the
28 minute programs on a daily or weekly fashion.
C) Monthly open meetings – You could try putting out flyers and local adds and have open
meetings to the public monthly. Much prayer and fasting is needed to find out which of these
ideas Yahweh deems best for your area.
D) Possible door to door – Now, I know this one may not be for everyone, but what better way
to invite local people in your community to a local fellowship, than to greet them door to door
and share the Good News with them? To those who may feel compelled to try this avenue, read
Luke 10 on the commission to the 70. Yahshua did send out His disciples.
C) Internet – In the last 10 years the Internet has quickly become the number one most
efficient way to get information out on a mass worldwide level. You could set up websites, surf
for free advertising, put adds on religious websites or think of other ways to promote the
[a][/a] website using the net.
D) Book markers- We will have two main bookmarkers to use. One will be the book marker for
the Hebraic Roots bible. This is by far the greatest way to witness of the truth as all Christians
claim they believe in the bible, and you would think that most would want the most accurate
The second book marker is for the Great Falling Away book and has the Qumran cave and
says find out what your Pastor, priest or minister does not want you to know and gives the
website to receive the Great Falling Away book. This book is a great tool for witnessing and is
extremely thorough and has brought thousands of people to faith.
You could hand out bookmarkers anywhere and they are a great way to get people to the site
and also a nice gift for people to use in their bible. The bookmarkers are included in the Math
24:14 packet. You could also put the books and bible on CD and hand them out at random as
this is a very inexpensive way to produce the books and bible and hand out at little cost.
2) As a Witness:
Being a witness is such an important part of our preaching. If we only preach with words and
not with actions then we are hypocrites. We are to be selfless, even loving our enemies. The
golden rule “Love your neighbor as yourself” has always got to be written on our hearts.
A) Homeless people – This is a great way, not only preach the Good News to these people,
but to really fill a true need. Homeless people need food and clothes and in most cases just
pure fellowship from someone who has true love. They are out there almost everywhere, and
especially large cities. Just think if you were homeless and hungry wouldn’t you want someone
to help you.
Anti Abortion Clinics – No greater abomination is happening in this land than some-odd 38
million babies who have been murdered since Roe vs. Wade in 1973. There are clinics who
give these women an alternative to abortion. You could donate time to phones or counseling, or
even some financial help. When I see Catholics, and others out their doing these things I
wonder where are the true called out ones of Yahweh? Are they sitting in a living room fighting
over doctrines? I pray that we are out there also, showing our father’s testimony in us.
C) Helping people broken down on the Highway – There is no greater frustration as tan
being stranded and helpless. This can be very dangerous to old people stranded in the cold of
winter with no heat in the car. Many people have been greatly amazed and appreciative of
those who take the time to help in this fast paced no help society.
Some other ideas for service; soup kitchens, hospitals, retirement homes, a picnic for people
in need, using Craig’s list to help elderly, collecting from organizations, and spending time with
widows. There are literally 100’s of opportunities for service. We could use each one not only to
fill the physical needs that they may require, but to preach the Good News and give these
people hope for Yahweh’s soon coming Kingdom. Let’s not forget our own Brethren. The bible
says to do good unto all men especially those of the household of Yahweh, Gal. 6:10.
You could start a ministry of encouragement and exhortation to the brethren, or maybe card
writing. How about picking up someone for services who does not drive, or caring for a widow?
Our service should be ongoing and outgoing. We need to truly seek the will of Yahweh as well
as the love of Yahweh to know exactly where His service is for us. Let us all continue to pray
and fast to seek our Father’s will for us, and to pray for Him to show us our spiritual gifts that we
may use them to serve others.
Please find a sample flier to print and copy on the following Page,
Some more fliers will be attached to this e-mail and a full set of fliers
will be listed on the website [a][/a] for printing.
Why The Law?
By Don Esposito
I wanted to share a story that happened to me recently in Jerusalem. A man came to me
for council, thinking that he had committed the unpardonable sin. He said that he willfully sinned after
being a believer in Yahshua. He also said that he felt that he was going to the Lake of fire anyway, so
why should he try to keep the Law or Torah of Yahweh?
This man’s dilemma is not much different than all human beings today. Although many lawless
Christians accuse us of trying to earn our salvation, because we strive to obey Yahweh’s Torah, we
understand this is the not the case for true believers. In many respects we are no different than the young
man who thought that he committed the unpardonable sin, “for all have sinned and have fallen short of
the glory of Yahweh” (Ro 3:23). All true believers realize that our works have only gotten us a death
penalty, so no one that ever lived can go before the throne of Yahweh and ask for salvation through his
works Rom 3:20 “Because by works of Law not one of all flesh will be justified before Him, for
through Law is full knowledge of sin.”
The bottom line is on judgment day two things will happen. Either Yahweh’s mercy or justice will
prevail. Either we will be granted entrance into his Kingdom through the grace and shed blood of his Son
Yahshua, or we will get exactly what we deserve and be cast into the Lake of Fire. Both scenarios are
completely just in the eyes of Yahweh, and it is his right as Creator of all to enact either scenario.
So why then would one keep the law of Yahweh? If we are saved already without the law, then why
would we serve it, and if we are going to the Lake of Fire, what good would it do to keep the Torah in
that case? The answer is actually the same in both cases. The law was never meant to be a salvational
issue, it was only meant to teach us the difference between right and wrong (Ps119:105). There is not a
person on this planet who does not want to be happy, and the stark reality is that the direct happiness of
our lives totally depends on the daily decisions that we make each day. Whether we are talking about
divorce, sexually transmitted diseases, unhappy job situations, or not being able to pay the rent, all of
these are effects of poor decision making in our lives. The Torah or Law of Yahweh in the Bible is
simply there to teach us right from wrong, and keep us from making so many poor decisions in our life
that will only lead to our misery and unhappiness.
Psa 19:7 The Law of Yahweh is perfect, converting the soul. The Testimony of Yahweh is sure,
making the simple wise.
Psa 19:8 The precepts of Yahweh are right, rejoicing the heart. The commands of Yahweh are pure,
giving light to the eyes.
The Law is perfect, but we are not. As a matter of fact most people make decisions
based on their own hearts.
Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and it is desperately wicked; who can know it?
So the bottom line is that whether you are really saved, or don’t even believe in Yahweh, it is only
wisdom in keeping the Torah.
Gal 3:12b “ but the man who does them shall live in them.” Keeping the
law of Yahweh will only lead to a meaningful fulfilled happy life. It will protect you from divorce,
sickness, bitterness, and all the other penalties that come from sin. This is not religion, it is science.
Eating pig will lead to heart disease. Eating highly toxic foods such as selfish will lead to hepatitis, and
other diseases. Adultery and fornication will lead to sexually transmitted diseases. Even proverbs
fourteen tells us,
Pro 14:30 A healthy heart is the life of the flesh, but envy is the rottenness of the bones.
This is a scientific fact, that people with hatred and bitterness will develop bone cancer. My friend’s
father was told by his doctor, that his life was shortened at least ten years because of a spirit of envy.
Yahweh’s law is like gravity, it never fails, and even the Apostle Paul tells us; Rom 7:12 So indeed the
Law is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good.
The problem is not with the perfect law of Yahweh, but with the rebellious nature of man.
Pro 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of it is the ways
of death.
The only reason an atheist does not want to believe in Yahweh is that he does not want any
accountability to a higher authority. But as we have shown, there is no escaping the laws of nature that
Yahweh put in force. You will reap what you sow, so whether you are saved or not, it is only wisdom and
toward the end of an individual’s happiness that he would keep the laws of Yahweh. A man I met this
summer had similar thoughts, contemplating whether we need to keep Yahweh’s law or not. Then he told
me, that he asked himself a simple question. What would the world be like if all the earth kept just one of
the Ten Commandments? Let’s say thou shalt not steal. He thought and said. There would never again be
a kidnapped child. There would be no adultery because someone would not steal someone else’s wife.
There would be no tension in the world and wars over people taking someone else’s land. And there
would be no locks on doors, because you would not need them. Now does this sound like slavery or
freedom? There is a second reason though, that a true believer would keep the Torah.
If the law is the perfect will of Yahweh, as we have seen, then we would want to do everything in that
perfect will to keep our relationship with Yahweh pure. So now, we would keep the law by Faith.
Hebrew 11:6 says it is impossible to please Yahweh without faith. Faith is “simply believing everything
that Yahweh says is true.”
We are not obeying Torah to be saved, as we already are saved by the blood of Yahshua, but we are
obeying Torah by faith, as our father Abraham did, because we believe Yahweh when he says his word is
PERFECT! For me to change even one letter of his word, would be showing it is not perfect, and
making myself a creator besides him, breaking the first commandment.
Deu 5:7 You shall have no other Elohim before Me.
To say that the law is written on my heart, therefore I don’t have to keep it, makes absolutely no sense
whatsoever. It is like a sick man with pneumonia saying my medicine is in the refrigerator; therefore I
will get better by not taking it. How can something be written on your heart and done away with at the
same time. This is truly mocking Yahshua’s spirit of grace. He is clear. If you love him Obey His
Commandments! 1Jo 2:4 The one saying, I have known Him, and not keeping His commandments is a
liar, and the truth is not in that one. This is plain that the ones claiming to be true followers of
Yahshua’s should as we read in;
1Jo 2:6; The one claiming to rest in Him ought so to walk himself as that One walked. All others are
not walking in the light of scripture. Isa 8:20 To the Law and to the Testimony! If they do not speak
according to this Word, it is because there is no dawn to them! BEWARE of wolves in sheep clothing!
Mat 7:21 Not everyone who says to Me, Master, Master, will enter into the kingdom of Heaven, but the
ones who do the will of My Father in Heaven.
Mat 7:22 Many will say to Me in that day, Master, Master, did we not prophesy in Your name, and
in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name do many works of power?
Mat 7:23 And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; "depart from Me, those working
The way we know the perfect will of Yahweh is through his word, the Torah and the New Testament; let
us strive to be one with our Heavenly Father through the words that he has given us.
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Robert Kepha Ben Yisrael Chamberlin
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