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Robert Kepha Ben Yisrael Chamberlin
When I was a small boy around 12 or 13 years old, I started
asking questions like, “Why was I born?” “What is the purpose of
life?” “Is there really a God or is that too, like Santa Claus, nothing
more than a big lie?!” Well, when I was 16 or 17, I started to get
my answers. What I found out from the pages of the Bible is that,
not only is Yahweh real (name of God), but He is working out the
most awesome plan known to mankind! In this short booklet I
would like to share that plan with you, and explain how you may
be part of the very work of the Living Creator of the UNIVERSE.
YAHWEH’s Plan for Mankind
In Eccl. 1:1-3, 12-18, Solomon, the richest man who ever lived,
claims that life is meaningless. King David, in Ps. 8:3-6, asked
YAHWEH (personal name of the Creator), “What is man, that You
would care about him?” Well, the answer to that question is the
most amazing answer in the history of mankind. The answer is that
the Almighty Yahweh of the universe is literally procreating
Himself through the human race. Let me show you the most
wonderful plan in the history of the world from the Holy
Before YAHWEH created mankind He created beings known as
angels. The head angel’s name was Lucifer, the “light-bearer,”
who later turned on Yahweh and became who we know today as
“Satan the devil.” You can read about this in Ez. 28:13-18. It starts
out by saying Satan was in the Garden of Eden. In verse 14 we
read that he was the anointed cherub, and was upon the Holy
Mountain of Yahweh. Verse 15: “You were perfect in your ways
from the day you were created, until iniquity was found in you.”
Verse 17: “Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty…I
have cast you to the earth.” So we can see that pride was the cause
of Satan’s downfall. So much is it the same today. You can
continue the story in Is. 14:12-14 “Oh Lucifer, son of the morning,
how you have fallen from the heavens! You weakening the
nations, you are cut down to the ground. For you have said In your
heart, I will go up to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the
stars of El…”
We know the result. Rev. 12:7-9 talks of war in heaven and
Satan being cast out. We do not know how long ago Yahweh
created Satan or when this story takes place. We do know though,
that the recreation of the earth, including mankind, was about
6,000 years ago. You can add up the years in the Bible from Adam,
the first man, to the time of the Messiah, and you will come up
with 4,000 years. Now we also know that from the birth of the
Messiah until today, has been roughly another 2,000 years. So
since the recreation of the world with Adam and Eve, it has been
almost 6,000 years. Why do I say since the re-creation of the
world? Well, we have already seen from Scripture that Yahweh
created angels before Gen. 1. Also, if you look at Gen. 1:2 it states
that the world was “void” and “without form.” These two words in
Hebrew are “tohu” and “bohu.” Yet, in Is. 45:18 it states Yahweh
did not create the world in vain or “tohu” and “bohu.” In Gen. 1:2
the word “was” is better rendered “became.” It became void and
without form by iniquity or sin. The sin of Satan the devil and his
fallen angels (demons) who tried to take over the very throne of
So Yahweh, like everything that He does, would take this
negative situation and turn it into the greatest opportunity for
mankind in the history of time. Yahweh would pro-create Himself,
through the Holy Spirit, in humans. It is mind-boggling to even
think about it! But let’s read about it from the Scriptures. First in
Gen. 1, Elohim, (which is the original Hebrew title for the
Creator), created each kind after their own. He created cattle after
cattle, birds after birds, and fish after fish. Yet in verse 26 of Gen.
1 it states, Elohim said, “let Us make man in Our image,
according to Our likeness.” He made man after the Elohim kind.
Simply Awesome. I said the title for God in the Hebrew is
“Elohim,” which is a plural word like “family.” Who is this
Elohim or family? It is made up of two eternal beings that we
know from Scripture as Elohim the Father “YAHWEH,” and
Elohim the Son “Yahshua” (Hebrew name for Jesus). They are
One in thought, One in mind and One in spirit, by the power of the
Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the power, the essence, that makes
the Father and Son One, but it does not have its own will or power
apart from the Father or the Son. The idea of a trinity is not
Scriptural and comes from Far East paganism.
If you read Jn. the 17th chapter, Yahshua (Hebrew name for Jesus)
talks of the Father and Himself being One. Again, not literally one
being, but One in mind, thought and spirit. Yahshua never prayed
to the Holy Spirit, only to YAHWEH the Father. The Holy Spirit is
the power of YAHWEH, but it is not a separate being. So we see
that we are created in the image of the Almighty Elohim family.
Gen. 1:27, states, “And Elohim created the man in His own
image; in the image of Elohim He created him. He created them
male and female.” Could anything be more fantastic to be created
in the very image of the Almighty Creator of the universe?
There is one problem. We know that not long after creation,
mankind, through Adam and Eve, made the choice to disobey
YAHWEH and go their own way. You can read the account in
Genesis the third chapter. After Adam and Eve sinned, they cut off
YAHWEH the Father from mankind because of sin.
Is. 59:1-2, “Behold, the hand of YAHWEH is not shortened from
saving, nor is His ear heavy from hearing.
Isa 59:2 But your iniquities are separating between you and your
Elohim; and your sins have hidden His face from you, from
Sin has cut us off from YAHWEH since creation. He has given
mankind 6,000 years to make His own governments, economic
policies, school systems, even religions. When 6,000 years are
complete (and we are just about there), Yahshua the Messiah will
return to earth to rule for a 1,000 year millennium of peace. Rev.
19:11-16, Rev. 20:4-6 “Blessed and holy is the one having part in
the first resurrection. The second death has no authority over
these, but they will be priests of YAHWEH and of His Messiah,
and will reign with Him a thousand years.”
How can I be so sure that YAHWEH has a 7,000 year plan, 6,000
years to man’s system, and a 1,000 year millennial rule of the
Messiah? Well, first of all, you just read the Scriptures about
Yahshua and His followers 1,000 year reign. Also, YAHWEH
created the heavens and the earth in six days, and rested on the
seventh day, the Sabbath. In the same way, He has given man
6,000 years to work his unrighteous system, and then comes the
seventh millennium, which is the Sabbath of rest from this
unrighteous system. It will be a rest from sin, sickness, war and
disease. Is. 35:3-10, tells about this glorious time. He says the lame
will walk, the blind will see, and the deaf will hear. That is
spiritual and physical. There will also be the absence of sin. Dan.
2:44 says that Yahshua’s Kingdom will shatter all the earthly
kingdoms that are left on the earth when He returns. The Messiah
Himself, Yahshua (Jesus), will be King of the whole earth reigning
from Jerusalem. That is why Yahshua did so many miracles and
healings on the Sabbath day, because it pictures the last 1,000
years of the 7,000 year plan. It is a time, according to the Bible, of
complete healing, spiritually and physically.
Also, it talks of the 7,000 year plan in the book of 2 Peter 3:3-4. It
says there will be people mocking in the last days and doubting the
return of Messiah. Then going down to verse 8 and 9, it states that
one day with the Almighty is as a thousand years, and a thousand
years as one day. So, again, we see this pattern of six days of creation and the Sabbath rest. 6,000 years of sin and the millennial
rest of Messiah. That means in the next few short years, if we are
alive at the time, we will witness the most amazing event in the
history of man. The return of Yahshua Messiah, the Son of
Yahweh. Don’t be fooled though! The Bible says first there will
come a false messiah claiming to be the true one. Rev. 13:11-18
states He will cause the whole world to take a mark in the hand or
forehead, to worship the end-time one world government system.
They already have this technology in a tiny microchip that they are
using now in animals, and also being used in humans. Do not take
this mark, even if you have to starve to death! Whoever takes this
mark will not have eternal life! The True Messiah will return just
as He said in Acts 1:10-14 “This Yahshua who was taken up from
you to heaven, likewise He will come just as you have seen Him
who ascended into heaven.” You can also read this in Zech. 14:3-4.
What To Do
Even though we have seen that YHWH’s plan is to procreate
Himself through mankind, there is one element missing that we
need to know if we want to reign with Yahshua for His 1,000 year
millennial rule on earth. When YAHWEH gave mankind the
breath of life, He made us a living soul, Gen. 2:7. That word for
soul is “nephesh” in the Hebrew, and it means “to be a living
creature.” Life can only come from YAHWEH, and only He can
take it from us. But to become a literal child of the living Elohim
we must be baptized with water, and with spirit. Yahshua Himself
stated in Jn. 3:5, “that if a man is not born from water and spirit,
he is not able to enter into the kingdom of YAHWEH.”
There it is! No exceptions! Unless you are water baptized (not as
a baby, but as a thinking adult), and have hands laid on you by a
minister of YAHWEH, to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, you
cannot enter the Kingdom of YAHWEH. If you look up the word
baptize in your Bible dictionary, you will see it is total immersion,
and not just a sprinkling. When you go into the water at baptism, it
pictures dying to this world, and the rebellion of Adam and Eve
through Satan, and actually being impregnated with the Holy
Spirit. So at the return of Yahshua, you will be totally born again
as a spirit being. You will be a real child of the living Elohim. How
awesome is that?!
After water baptism, and the laying on of hands by a minister of
YAHWEH (Acts 8 :12-19), you will get the seed of YAHWEH
living in you through the Holy Spirit. Then like a child in its
mother’s womb, you are to grow in the grace and knowledge of
our Master and Savior Yahshua Messiah till He returns.
Read about this great resurrection of spirit in 1 Cor. 15:42-55. It
states that you are born in corruption, but you are raised in
incorruption. You are born in dishonor, but are raised in glory. You
are born in weakness, but raised in power. That is the hope of the
resurrection. Just as Yahshua was raised an immortal spirit after
three days and three nights in the grave, we too, will be raised to
immortality at the resurrection.
In Jn. 3:2, “Beloved, now we are the sons of YAHWEH, and it
was not yet revealed what we shall be. But we know that if He is
revealed, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He
But first as it says in Acts 2:38-39, we need to have faith in
Yahshua and REPENT of our sins, and be baptized in His name.
We are saved by grace through faith in Yahshua. Nothing we can
do can earn us eternal life. It is a free gift from YAHWEH. But
still YAHWEH requires us to do certain things to receive this gift
and to keep it. Acts 5:32 says that YAHWEH gives His Spirit to
those that OBEY Him.
Ro. 8:6-17 explains it beautifully. “If anyone has not the Spirit
of Messiah, this one does not belong to Him. But if Messiah is in
you, the body indeed is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life
because of righteousness.” You can only get that Spirit by water
baptism and the laying on of hands. That can only come after you
have truly repented for your carnal human nature, which is enmity
against YAHWEH. Then through the Holy Spirit you can begin
your change. That change is the mystery of YAHWEH, Yahshua in
you, the hope of glory.
Read Romans, the sixth chapter, and you will see the new man
you need to become after baptism till you totally change to spirit at
the resurrection. But, like Yahshua said in Mathew the tenth
chapter, unless you deny yourself daily and pick up your stake and
follow Him, you are not fit for the Kingdom of YAHWEH.
At baptism our lives are bought by YAHWEH Himself, through
the blood of His Son. That is not something to take lightly. We
have to deny the fleshly desires and live by the Holy Spirit that is
in us. We have to let it grow just like a child in its mother’s womb.
Rev. 14:12 “Here is the patience of the saints; here are the ones
keeping the commandments of YAHWEH, and the faith of
Then once you are baptized you need to obey the 10
commandments. That includes honoring our Father every seventh
day (Saturday), as the Creator of the universe. Billions claim to be
Christians, but how many are willing to obey even the 10
commandments? They will make every excuse in the world,
instead of just obeying YAHWEH at His word.
The Sabbath is the day YAHWEH set aside to show who is the
only true Elohim of the universe. It is holy time. What YAHWEH
has made holy, man can not make unholy. Even Yahshua, the
Son of YAHWEH, called Himself Master of the Sabbath. Mk.
2:28. There is not one scripture in the Bible to show that the
Sabbath has been changed to Sunday. But a Roman ruler named
Constantine changed Yahweh’s Holy Sabbath to Sunday in 325
A.D. That was 300 years after Yahshua died. He did it in honor of
the venerable day of the sun.
This is also the day, throughout history, that many cultures
including Egypt and Babylon worshipped Baal on Sunday. Our
Master Yahshua honored the Sabbath. The apostles honored the
Sabbath. It is one of the eternal laws of YAHWEH, written with
His own finger. Are you going to go along with the crowd? Or are
you going to stand in the gap and obey the Almighty YAHWEH of
the universe? Do you want to reign with Yahshua Messiah for His
1,000 year millennium? Be a faithful servant, Obey YAHWEH’s
If you have not already done so, repent and get baptized in the
name of Yahshua Messiah, to receive YHWH’s free gift of eternal
life through His Holy Spirit. Claim the victory that the blood of
Yahshua won. Make your commitment today. Time is running out.
The great tribulation is at hand! Don’t delay! Seek YAHWEH
while He may be found!
If you would like a free tape on repentance, or the changing of the
Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, please write and request a copy.
Also, if you would like to know what YAHWEH says about
America in prophecy, please write for our free tape entitled, “Who
is Babylon?” (Mt. 10:8, “freely you have received, freely you
Congregation of YAHWEH Po Box 832 Carteret NJ 07008
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