How can you keep warm in the cold? This is a question I hear a lot. Now I know I shared a video of a guy who used a candle but how do you do it if you don't have a candle? Here is my most used methods. Make sure you have a good quantity of oats. Butter is also a good choice. Keep a low profile in the wind. Wind usually blows harder and more consistently the higher up one goes. Use all wool if you have any. Start by insulating your core well which is from your waist to your neck and between your shoulders. Also cover your head as most of your percieved body temperatures are based on how your head feels. If your hands get cold, place them under your arm pits. This is a favorite trick of mine. Your armpits are the warmest part of your body that you can put your hands in. I've not found a way to keep my feet warm so feel free to share your methods. Have a good day.