Im gonna go out on a limb here and see what the response will be.
I have been walking in the truth of Yah's instructions for 6yrs roughly. Before this I was a serious Charismatic Christian. I have seen and been through all kinds of Dogmatic, legalistic, obsessive, but everso sincere people making there life a life God would be indorsing. After coming over to the full truth, the journey has been special and healing. I myself have functioned as a comelian kinda but not really like Paul. I can wear many different clothes to fit in and enjoy them all. I can sit with any group and for the most part fit right in. Anyway, with each pit stop I learn and grow as we do. I am at a place now again where I am seeing similarities in human behavior that arent bad but at times, feels just to me, sad. Reaching out for fellowship but get a verse and I'll pray for you doesnt seem like a relasionship to me. I know most of us are 1000's of miles apart and what can we really do, except post endlessly scriptures and mems to show we are alive and interested. but still no real relasionship. i don't want to watch another bible study another snipit of revelation of something that will make me more wise or more aware. Non of these things for me fills my heart with friends that if trust and friends that I want to grow with and be close with. We still arent personal, just acting like a library of how to get smarter but walk away feeling still alone. I know this all sounds very neg. and for many of you non of this is relevent. I just thought I'd put it out there that I want relasionship not the usual religous expressions we give out. wow , i have never said anything like this online ever. But there you have it.

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