
Having just added a broader post re: building the economy of kol Israel, I want to have a thread to brainstorm homebased businesses that benefit the family.

Here are some ideas off the top of my head for small enterprises that can be started in the home:

(And, consider, you want a shop that markets to the world, but especially benefits #familyfirst by bringing income into your house and thus the greater family, but also provides products needed by the #houseofjacob thus keeping our monies within the #family ).

- Sewing. . How many young ladies can begin making a product or group of products? Blouses, skirts, socks, headcovers, purses, handbags, hats, etc..

- Healthcare products.. creams, lotions, soaps, chapsticks, etc..

- Ceramic/stoneware, cups, plates, etc..

- Heritage seeds, candies, jams, jellies, etc... locally, produce, meat, dairy. More broadly, dried goods...

These are starter ideas... please add ideas below.