A church in the western suburbs of Chicago is boasting new bells in their belfry. Since the church was built two decades ago, the congregation has held off on its plans to hang bells in a large open space above the sanctuary. Due to limited funds, the congregation suggested mounting a cross in the space or a series of liturgical banners that could be hung according to the seasons of the church year. In conjunction with the church's 25th anniversary, the church finally found the means to spring for three bells to fill the vacant hole. They are beautiful. However, you will never hear these bells peal. It does not have to do with city ordinances or complaining neighbours opposed to bells playing hymns. It has to do with the fact that the bells are not real. They do not have clappers. Although they look authentic, they are made of resin.
At some point in our lives, many Moshiach followers can relate to those bells. We see, speak and do things that are representative of our faith and how to obey the Torah, yet deep inside we no longer sense the Power of YHVH living inside of us. Many times, we need a fresh injection of the Power of Elohim in our lives so that we can accomplish what He has called us to as a church, a believer’s social media and individuals. And the place that we really need to start is with a renewal of Ruach HaKodesh in our lives. Let us look at three questions that are vital to Ruach Kodesh renewal in our lives. The first question we need to consider is this:
In other words, is this even an issue for you? Do you already have it together in this area or do you need some help? Here are 4 questions that should help you each to make that decision.
A – Are you eager to serve YHVH? Are you doing ministry in the church, teachings on social media and in your life because it is something you feel obligated to do or because it is something you desire to do for YHVH? -- But now we are delivered from the Law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in Newness of Spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter. -- Romans 7:6. In this verse Paul is making the distinction between those that do things for YHVH because it is legally required of them, and those that do them because the Ruach of YHVH is empowering them to serve. Where are you at on this? If serving YHVH is drudgery for you, you need Ruach Kodesh renewal.
B – Are you enjoying time with YHVH? Do you hesitate to approach YHVH in prayer? Has quiet time become boring time? Do you look forward to the times when you can spend time in YHVH’s Word? -- For the Kingdom of YHVH are not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in Ruach HaKodesh. For he that in these things serveth Moshiach is acceptable to HaShem and approved of men. -- Romans 14:17-18. Our experience with YHVH is meant to be enjoyable and fulfilling. If you are not experiencing that right now, you need Ruach Kodesh renewal.
C – Are you growing in relationship with YHVH? -- As new-born babies, desire the sincere milk of the Word that ye may grow thereby. -- 1 Peter 2:2. This word [desire] means that this is something we long for and what we are longing for is the Spiritual Milk or the Word of HaShem. Do you find yourself in a state of desiring that time that you have with YHVH in His Word and growing closer and closer to Him? If not, you need Ruach Kodesh Renewal.
D – Are you a true Yeshua Follower example for others? Let us put this another way; would you be thrilled to know that every person in your church, in your circle of friends in social media was living life exactly the way that you do? If every believer had the same level of commitment to YHVH and to His Church that you display in your life, would we all be better or worse off? -- Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Moshiach. -- 1 Corinthians 11:1. If we are experiencing a life empowered and enriched by Ruach HaKodesh, we should be able to say [Yes, others should follow us as we are following Moshiach.] If we cannot say that, then we need Ruach Kodesh renewal.
Identifying our need for renewal is not difficult. If you answered [No] to even one of these questions, you need of Ruach Kodesh renewing your life. The next step is more difficult, but very much a double thing. We need to ask and answer our second question if any of this is going to do us any good.
The fact is that each one of us, even me, needs renewal on a regular basis. This is nothing to be ashamed of; rather, it is good to just admit it, get it out of the way and then move on to becoming the person YHVH wants us to be. -- And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created Him. -- Colossians 3:10. Renewing the Church or social Bible group is like remodelling your house: it takes longer than you hoped; costs more than you planned and makes a bigger mess than you ever thought possible. This applies as much to the church and groups as to us as individuals. If you are hoping for a quick fix or easy solution, you are not going to get it. Rather, you have four necessary steps that need to be repeated every single time we find ourselves moving away from our relationship with YHVH.
A -- Renew your commitment: I can remember as a kid growing up in a Pentecostal church that periodically someone would come forward at the end of the service and recommit / rededicate their lives to Yeshua Moshiach. These were people that were already saved, yet they had not been walking with Adonai as they should and coming under conviction of that, they decided to make a public recommitment of their hearts before the entire church. A powerful thing happens to us when we renew our commitment to Moshiach; it is both a pledge to YHVH and a promise to ourselves that we are going to follow Yeshua as Adonai, while it can be done privately. When it is done before the church or social group it encourages believers to pray and to assist in the renewal process. -- Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Create in me a clean heart, HaShem; and renew a right spirit within me. -- Psalm 51:8, 10. To be renewed by Ruach Kodesh, you must recommit yourself to Yeshua Moshiach. If you are not committed to the process, you cannot expect YHVH to bring renewal. It is not a matter of just praying to YHVH and Him giving us with a new heart; it is a matter of committing yourself to YHVH and His Will for your life.
B -- Surrender your will: In the 1990s, a group of young people participated in an eight-year anti-smoking-campaign program. The results were not impressive. Of the group that went through the program, 25, 4% now smoke regularly. And of the control group, those who did not participate in the study; 25, 7% now smoke regularly. The education campaign hardly made any difference at all, but the world believes education is the answer to any culture's problems. For some of them it is, for many it is not. People do not need new ideas or new techniques but a new power within. It is only by surrendering our wills to Ruach HaKodesh that we can be renewed before YHVH. -- But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Ruach of YHVH dwell in you. Now if any man has not the Ruach of Moshiach, he is none of His. -- Romans 8:9. Now to be under Ruach HaKodesh’s control implies what? That we are not controlling ourselves. Until we voluntarily turn over control of our lives to Ruach HaKodesh we will continue to be defeated by sin, depression, lack of vision, lack of hope and will not be able to function as the fully empowered child of YHVH that He wants us to be. If you were in the midst of a battle, with no weapon and the enemy was standing beside you with a gun to your head, what would you do? If you had any sense at all, you would put up your hands in surrender and voluntarily place yourself under the control of the opposing army. The good news is that when we surrender to HaShem, He does not put a gun to our heads, nor does He wish us harm, He is waiting for us to admit that we have lost the battle by trying to accomplish victory in our own strength and we are now ready to turn it all over to Him. When people raise their hands to YHVH in prayer or when they sing praises to His Name, is it not that what they are symbolizing? We are saying, {Elohim, we turn it all over to You] -- And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit. -- Ephesians 5:18. What happens when you drink too much alcohol? You surrender your mind, body and will to it, don’t you? You come under its control. YHVH says, [Do not do that] instead [let Ruach HaKodesh fill and control you.] Like alcohol, Ruach HaKodesh will take over your mind, body and will when you surrender to Him, but unlike alcohol, the results are all positive. Ruach Kodesh renewal must be preceded by a surrender of our will to YHVH