As With Our Human Parents, We Can Also Rebel Against Our Heavenly Father:
Who told you that you were naked? YHVH Elohim asked: Have you eaten the fruit I Commanded you not to eat? -- Genesis 3:11. This is how Adam and Eve broke their relationship with YHVH:

1 -- they became convinced that their way was better than YHVH’s;
2 -- they became self-conscious and hid;
3 -- they tried to excuse and defend themselves.

To build a relationship with YHVH we must reverse those steps:

A -- we must drop our excuses and self-defences;
B -- we must stop trying to hide from YHVH;
C -- we must become convinced that YHVH’s Way is better than our way.

As With Our Human Parents, We Can Grieve Our Heavenly Father:
YHVH Elohim was sorry He had ever made them. It broke His Heart. -- Genesis 6:6. Does this mean that YHVH regretted Creating humanity? Was He admitting He made a mistake? No, YHVH does not change His Mind -- 1 Samuel 15:29. Instead, He was expressing sorrow for what the people had done to themselves, as a parent might express sorrow over a rebellious child. YHVH was sorry that the people chose sin and death instead of a relationship with Him. The people’s sin grieved YHVH. Our sins break YHVH’s Heart as much as sin did in Noah’s day. Noah, however, pleased YHVH, although he was far from perfect. We can follow Noah’s example and find -- favour with our Adonai in spite of the sin that surrounds us.

Sometimes We Don’t Understand Our Heavenly Father’s Purposes:
The two other men went on toward Sodom, but Adonai Elohim remained with Abraham for a while. Abraham approached Him and said: Will You destroy both innocent and guilty alike? -- Genesis 18:22-23. Why did YHVH let Abraham question His Justice and intercede for a wicked city? Abraham knew that YHVH must punish sin, but he also knew from experience that YHVH is merciful to sinners. YHVH knew there were not ten righteous people in the city, but He was merciful enough to allow Abraham to intercede. He was also merciful enough to help Lot, Abraham’s nephew, get out of Sodom before it was destroyed. YHVH does not take pleasure in destroying the wicked, but He must punish sin. He is both Just and Merciful. We should be thankful that YHVH’s Mercy extends to us.

YHVH is Revealed as a Forgiving Father
Please pardon the sins of this people because of your Magnificent, Unfailing Love, just as You have forgiven them ever since they left Egypt. -- Numbers 14:19. Moses pleaded with YHVH, asking Him to forgive His people. His plea reveals several Characteristics of YHVH:

1 -- YHVH is Immensely Patient;
2 -- YHVH’s Love is one Promise we can always count on;
3 -- YHVH forgives again and again; and
4 -- YHVH is Merciful, listening to and answering our requests.

YHVH has not changed since Moses’ day. Like Moses, we can rely on YHVH’s Love, Patience, Forgiveness, and Mercy.

YHVH Expects People To Serve Him:
Suddenly, the angel of YHVH Elohim appeared to him as a blazing fire in a bush. Moses was amazed because the bush was engulfed in flames, but it didn’t burn up. -- Exodus 3:2. YHVH spoke to Moses from an unexpected source: a burning bush. When Moses saw it, he went to investigate. Many people in the Bible experienced YHVH in visible [not necessarily human] Form. Abraham saw the smoking fire-pot and blazing torch -- Genesis 15:17; Jacob wrestled with a man -- Genesis 32:24-29. When the slaves were freed from Egypt, YHVH led them by Pillars of Cloud and Fire -- 13:17-22. YHVH made such appearances to encourage His new nation, to guide them, and to prove the reliability of His Verbal Message. YHVH may use unexpected sources when communicating to us too, whether people, thoughts, or experiences. Be willing to investigate, and be open to YHVH’s Surprises.

YHVH Deserves Our Humble Respect:
At YHVH’s Command, Moses removed his sandals and covered his face. Taking off his shoes was an act of reverence, conveying his own unworthiness before YHVH. YHVH is our Friend, but He is also our Sovereign Adonai. To approach Him frivolously shows a lack of respect and sincerity. When you come to YHVH in worship, do you approach Him casually, or do you come as though you were an invited guest before a king? If necessary, adjust your attitude so it is suitable for approaching a Holy Elohim.

As Adonai, YHVH Rules and Protects His Creation:
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths. You care for people and animals alike, O Adonai. -- Psalm 36:6. In contrast to evil people and their wicked plots that end in failure, YHVH is Faithful, Righteous, and Just. His Love reaches to the heavens; His Faithfulness reaches to the skies; His Righteousness is as solid as mighty mountains; and His Judgments are as full of Wisdom as the oceans with water [the ocean depths]. We need not fear evil people because we know YHVH Loves us, Judges evil, and will Care for us throughout eternity.

As Adonai, YHVH Deserves Our Highest Honour:
Pray like this: Our Father Who is in Heaven, let Your Name be set apart -- Matthew 6:9. The phrase [Our Father Who is in Heaven] indicates that YHVH is not only Majestic and Holy, but also Personal and Loving. The first line of this model prayer is a statement of praise and a commitment to hallow, or honour, YHVH’s Holy Name. We can honour YHVH’s Name by being careful to use it respectfully. If we use YHVH’s Name lightly, we aren’t remembering YHVH’s Holiness.

As Adonai, YHVH Deeply Cares for His Creation:
YHVH so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. -- John 3:16. The entire gospel comes to a focus in this verse. YHVH’s Love is not static or self-centred; it reaches out and draws others in. Here YHVH sets the pattern of True Love, the basis for all love relationships -- when you love someone dearly, you are willing to pay dearly for that person’s responsive love. YHVH paid dearly with the Life of His Son, the highest price He could pay. Yeshua accepted our punishment, paid the price for our sins, and then offered us the new life that He had bought for us. When we share the gospel with others, our love must be like Yeshua’s -- willingly giving up our own comfort and security so that others might join us in receiving YHVH’s Love.

YHVH Reveals Himself as the Only True YHVH Elohim:
YHVH replied: I AM the One Who always is. Just tell them: I AM has sent me to you. -- Exodus 3:14. The Egyptians had many gods by many different names. Moses wanted to know YHVH’s Name so the Hebrew people would know exactly Who had sent him to them. YHVH called Himself -- Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh -- [I Am] a Name describing His Eternal Power and unchangeable Character. In a world where values, morals, and laws change constantly, we can find stability and security in our unchanging YHVH. The YHVH Who appeared to Moses is the same Elohim Who can live in us today. Hebrews 13:8 says YHVH is the same -- yesterday, today, and forever. Because YHVH’s Nature is Stable and Trustworthy, we are free to follow and enjoy Him rather than spend our time trying to figure Him out.

YHVH Reveals Himself as Holy:
Now you must be holy in everything you do, just as YHVH -- Who chose you to be His children -- is Holy. -- 1 Peter 1:15. The Elohim of Israel and of the believers is Holy -- He sets the standard for morality. Unlike the Roman gods, He is not warlike, adulterous, or spiteful. Unlike the gods of the pagan cults, He is not bloodthirsty or promiscuous. He is Adonai Elohim of Mercy and Justice Who cares Personally for each of His followers. Our Holy Elohim expects us to imitate Him by following His high moral standards. Like Him, we should be both merciful and just; like Him, we should sacrifice ourselves for others.