Shavuah tov, all. A couple quick items:

1. Every time you encounter a person in the larger Torah community that has a business, recommend that they set up a page on TTN to expand options, product availability, grow intentionally toward our own economy, etc...

2. Increase the size and scope of TTN in general by recommending this platform as often and as boldly as you have opportunity. We are building the Family and building the future economy by gathering and educating.

3. In terms of educating, we need to have and be able to deliver an elevator pitch (90 seconds or less) explanation of the importance of Family, restoration, and WHY #shopfamilyfirst !!

4. #shopfamilyfirst ! Make that your personal habit, and teach others to do the same.

Lastly, guessing you read this, but a recent blog post of mine has resonated with many and been shared quite a bit by my blog states... :

“Building the Kingdom” ~ What does this mean? | natsab

“Building the Kingdom” ~ What does this mean? | natsab

Having been reared in the church, I often heard statements regarding 'Kingdom work' or 'building the Kingdom.' Most, it would seem, understood or meant this to refer to evangelism, or adding to the numbers in the Body. Occasionall