Thought for Today: Monday February 07:

Let YHVH’s Presence override everything you experience. Like a luminous veil of Light, He hover over you and everything around you. He is training you to stay conscious of Him in each situation you encounter. When Jacob ran away from his enraged brother Esau, he went to sleep on a stone pillow in a land that seemed desolate. But after dreaming about heaven and angels and promises of YHVH Presence, he woke and exclaimed: [Surely Adonai Elohim is in this place and I was not aware of it] His discovery was not only for him but for all who seek YHVH. Whenever you feel distant from YHVH, say for yourself: Surely Adonai Elohim is with me, then ask Him to give you awareness of His Presence. This is one prayer He delights to answer.