Proverbs 22;6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Too many people think this verse only applies only to teaching children about our Creator. Nothing could be further from the truth. We should be instructing our children in all ways, the current “let them decide for themselves” method is creating disaster after disaster in societies around the world. Some believers have been tricked into allowing their children to choose whether they want to go to school, what sex they want to be, and even allowing them to try to become some animal rather than human. All of this is degrading life around the world. Parents have a responsibility to teach their children, not dominate their every move, but properly instruct them. Without proper instruction, we see the confusion and disorder that results. But parents also have the responsibility to be instructed by our heavenly father so that they are better equipped to pass along that knowledge to the future generations.