Yeshua Proclaimed Himself as the Only Way the Only Wat to YHVH:
[Yeshua told him: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through Me.] -- John 14:6. This is one of the most basic and important passages in Scripture. How can we know the way to YHVH? Only through Yeshua. Yeshua is the way because He is both YHVH and man. By uniting our life with His, we are united with YHVH. Trust Yeshua to take you to the Father and all the benefits of being YHVH’s child will be yours.

Yeshua Proclaimed and Proved That He Had Power Over Death:
[Yeshua told her: I am the Resurrection and the Life. Those who believe in Me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again.] -- John 11:25. Yeshua has power over life and death as well as power to forgive sins. This is because He is the Creator of life -- see John 14:6. He who is life can surely restore life. Whoever believes in Moshiach has a spiritual life that death cannot conquer or diminish in any way. When we realize His power and how wonderful His offer to us really is, how can we help but commit our life to Him! To those of us who believe, what wonderful assurance and certainty we have: [I will live again and you will, too] -- 14:19.

Yeshua Established the Way of Salvation for the Human Race:
[She will have a Son and you are to Name Him YESHUA, for He will save His people from their sins]. -- Matthew 1:21. Yeshua means [Adonai saves] Yeshua came to earth to save us because we cannot save ourselves from sin and its consequences. No matter how good we are, we cannot eliminate the sinful nature present in all of us. Only Yeshua can do that. Yeshua didn’t come to help people save themselves; He came to be their Saviour from the power and penalty of sin. Thank Moshiach for His death on the cross for your sins and ask Him to take control of your life. Your new life begins at that moment.

Yeshua’s Work Touched People’s Lives at Every Level:
[Yeshua travelled throughout Galilee teaching in the synagogues, preaching everywhere the Good News about the Kingdom. And He healed people who had every kind of sickness and disease.] -- Matthew 4:23. Yeshua was teaching, preaching and healing. These were the three main aspects of His Ministry. Teaching shows Yeshua’s concern for understanding; preaching shows His concern for commitment; and healing shows His concern for wholeness. His miracles of healing authenticated His teaching and preaching, proving that He truly was from YHVH.

Yeshua Taught and Preached With Authority:
Yeshua soon developed a powerful preaching Ministry and often spoke in the synagogues. Most towns that had ten or more Jewish families had a synagogue. The building served as a religious gathering place on the Shabbat and as a school during the week. The leader of the synagogue was not a preacher as much as an administrator. His job was to find and invite rabbis to teach and preach. It was customary to invite visiting rabbis like Yeshua to speak.

Yeshua Healed People’s Diseases:
Yeshua preached the gospel; the Good News-to everyone who wanted to hear it. The Good News is that the Kingdom of Heaven has come, that YHVH is with us and that he cares for us. Moshiach can heal us, not just of physical sickness, but of spiritual sickness as well. There’s no sin or problem too great or too small for Him to handle. Yeshua’s Words were good news because they offered freedom, hope, peace of heart and eternal life with YHVH.

Yeshua’s Actions Overturned the World Priorities:
[He took the children into His arms and placed His hands on their heads and blessed them.] -- Mark 10:16. Yeshua was often criticized for spending too much time with the wrong people; children, tax collectors and sinners -- Matthew 9:11; Luke 15:1-2; 19:7. Some, including the disciples, thought Yeshua should be spending more time with important leaders and the devout, because this was the way to improve His position and avoid criticism. But Yeshua didn’t need to improve His position. He was YHVH and He wanted to speak to those who needed Him most.

Yeshua Loved Little Children:
Adults are not as trusting as little children. To feel secure, all children need is a loving look and a gentle touch from someone who cares. Complete intellectual understanding is not one of their requirements. They believe us if they trust us. Yeshua said that people should believe in Him with this kind of childlike faith. We should not have to understand all the mysteries of the universe; it should be enough to know that YHVH loves us and provides forgiveness for our sin. This doesn’t mean that we should be childish or immature, but that we should trust YHVH with a child’s simplicity and receptivity.

Yeshua expects Wholehearted Obedience From His Followers:
[Yeshua selected twelve of them to be His regular companions, calling them apostles. He sent them out to preach and He gave them authority to cast out demons.] -- Mark 3:14-15. From the hundreds of people who followed Him from place to place, Yeshua chose twelve to be His apostles. Apostle means messenger or authorized representative. He did not choose these twelve to be His associates and companions because of their faith; their faith often faltered. He didn’t choose them because of their talent and ability; no one stood out with unusual ability. The disciples represented a wide range of backgrounds and life experiences, but apparently they had no more leadership potential than those who were not chosen. The one characteristic they all shared was their willingness to obey Yeshua. After Yeshua’s ascension, they were filled with Ruach HaKodesh and empowered to carry out special roles in the growth of the early church. We should not disqualify ourselves from service to Moshiach because we do not have the expected credentials. Being a good disciple is simply a matter of following Yeshua with a willing heart.