How Does YHVH Call People:

YHVH Communicates Through Our Parents:
Now, my son, may Adonai be with you and give you success as you follow His instructions in building the Temple of Adonai your YHVH. -- 1 Chronicles 22:11. YHVH told David he would not be the one to build the Temple. Instead the task would be left to his son Solomon. David graciously accepted this [no] from YHVH. He was not jealous of the fact that his son would have the honour of building YHVH’s Temple. Instead, he made preparations for Solomon to carry out his task. Similarly, we should take steps now to prepare the way for our children to find and fulfil YHVH’s purpose. Sooner or later our children will have to make their own decisions, but we can help by supplying them with the proper tools: showing them how to pray and study YHVH’s Word, teaching them the difference between right and wrong, and modelling the importance of church involvement.

Being Moshiach’s Disciple Involves Firm Commitment:
Yeshua called out to them: come, be My disciples, and I will show you how to fish for people! -- Matthew 4:19. These men already knew Yeshua. He had talked to Peter and Andrew previously -- John 1:35-42, and had been preaching in the area. When Yeshua called them, they knew what kind of Man He was and were willing to follow Him. They were not in a hypnotic trance when they followed but had been thoroughly convinced that following Him would change their lives forever. James and his brother, John, along with Peter and Andrew, were the first disciples that Yeshua called to work with Him. Yeshua’ call motivated these men to get up and leave their jobs-immediately. They didn’t make excuses about why it wasn’t a good time. They left at once and followed. Yeshua calls each of us to follow Him. When Yeshua asks us to serve Him, we must be like the disciples and do it at once.

YHVH’s Purpose:

What Does YHVH Call People To Do?

YHVH Calls People To Serve Him:
I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as My spokesman to the world. -- Jeremiah 1:5. Jeremiah was appointed by YHVH [as My spokesman to the world.] YHVH has a purpose for each believer, but some people are appointed by YHVH for specific kinds of work. Samson -- Judges 13:3-5, David -- 1 Samuel 16:12, 13, John the Baptist -- Luke 1:13-17 and Paul -- Galatians 1:15-16 were also called to do particular jobs for YHVH. Whatever work you do should be done for the glory of YHVH -- 1 Corinthians 10:31. If YHVH gives you a specific task, accept it cheerfully and do it with diligence. If YHVH has not given you a specific call or assignment, then seek to fulfil the mission common to all believers -- to love, obey, and serve YHVH -- until His guidance becomes more clear.

YHVH Calls People To Represent Him in the World:
Yeshua called His twelve disciples to Him and gave them authority to cast out evil spirits and to heal every kind of disease and illness. -- Matthew 10:1. Yeshua called His twelve disciples. He didn’t draft them, force them, or ask them to volunteer; He chose them to serve Him in a special way. Moshiach calls us today. He doesn’t twist our arms and make us do something we don’t want to do. We can choose to join Him or remain behind. When Christ calls you to follow Him, how do you respond? The list of Yeshua’ twelve disciples doesn’t give us many details -- probably because there weren’t many impressive details to tell. Yeshua called people from all walks of life -- fishermen, political activists, tax collectors. He called common people and uncommon leaders; rich and poor; educated and uneducated. Today, many people think only certain people are fit to follow Moshiach, but this was not the attitude of the Master Himself. YHVH can use anyone, no matter how insignificant he or she appears. When you feel small and useless, remember that YHVH uses ordinary people to do His Extraordinary Work.

The First Question is: Has YHVH Called Me/You to do Specific Things?

Ecclesiastes 11:9: [Do everything you want to do; take it all in. But remember that you must give an account to YHVH for everything you do.] YHVH gives us the freedom to do what we think is best, but we will answer for everything we do.

Jeremiah 1:4-5: [Adonai gave me a message… I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as My spokesman to the world.] Sometimes YHVH may call us to fulfil a very specific ministry. When that happens, He will make sure that we know it.

1 Corinthians 12:4-7: [There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but it is the same Ruach Kodesh Who is the source of them all…] A spiritual gift is given to each of us as a means of helping the entire church.

2 Timothy 4:5: [Complete the ministry YHVH has given you. YHVH has given each of us a special ministry that he wants us to perform in the church to build up the body and bring glory to His Name.

The Second Question is: How Do I Know What My Calling Is?

Psalm 119:105: [Your Word is a Lamp for my feet and a Light for my path.] The first step in knowing our calling is to get to know YHVH intimately through His Word and let Him guide us through it in everything.

Daniel 1:17: [YHVH gave these four young men an unusual aptitude for learning the literature and science of the time.] YHVH has given each of us special aptitudes and abilities. These help us to see the kinds of things that we should be doing.

Acts 20:24: [My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by Adonai Yeshua.] When YHVH gives us a specific calling, it fills our thoughts and energies, so that we pursue it wholeheartedly.

Romans 12:2: [Let YHVH transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what YHVH wants you to do.] When we let YHVH transform us by the power of His Ruach Kodesh, He will show us what He wants us to do.