Thought for Today: Shabbat February 19:

Remember, your thoughts are not YHVH’s Thoughts, neither are your ways, YHVH’s Ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are His Ways and His Thoughts much higher than yours. Remind yourself and know Who YHVH is when you spend time with Him. Marvel at the wonder of being able to commune with the King of the Universe – any time; any place. Never take this amazing privilege for granted! Although He is vastly higher and greater than you, He is training and preparing you to think His Thoughts. The more you spend time in His Presence, His Thoughts will gradually form in your mind. YHVH’s Spirit is the CEO Director of this process. Sometimes He brings Bible verses to mind. Sometimes He enables you to hear Him speak directly to you. These communications strengthen you and prepare you for whatever is before you on your life-path. Take time to listen to His Voice. Through your sacrifice of precious time, he will bless you far more than you dare to ask.