Shalom friends!
My name is Dee. My Hebrew name is Rivka yael anava. I live in eastern Pa. I love to sing and teach Hebrew. I love to share healthy recipes and life with friends.
I became a christian at 16, fell in love with God and dedicated my life to Him. I went through much trauma as a child, His spirit changed me, showed me I am able to be loved. That I wasnt just a tool for use and disposal.
I always questioned many things in the Christian faith, the number 1 thing I questioned since I came to the faith was “why dont we observe shabbat?” I asked this 2 more times to 2 different pastors over the course of like 20 years and I never got a satisfactory answer and at 36, I questioned my faith in general. Looked around at the church and didnt see anything remotely resembling the faith of Yeshua. I dug very deep and cried many nights asking for truth. One night after a bible study, I was cleaning up and closing up the church. I walked through the vestibule that I had so many times before and the beautiful plaque that had the 10 commandments in it, almost beckoned me to come near. I approached it slowly, as I got closer, the gold lettering in the 4th commandment seemed to glow brighter and raise off of the plaque. “Remember The Sabbath day and keep it holy.” I melted and cried right there. I did not understand why God kept putting this in front of me, but I was no longer going to ignore it. That began my journey. I learned Hebrew 10 years ago, went to Israel and I changed my understand completely. Im 46 now and try to live my life in truth daily. My family is tolerant of me, and supportive but do not follow in my footsteps. Its lonely sometimes, but I still follow Him.
My testimony is too big to share here. Maybe one day Ill share more if I find an opportunity.