A good idea I was reminded of that my family did when I was young. We each got turns to find something to pray for each week. We had a bulletin board and pinned each prayer request, written on slips of paper, to it. We had prayer each evening and morning. When a request was answered, we would move it to a separate board and we would use that board as the faith building board. I might do something similar now too. We got to where we would see patterns of answered prayer. Stories of people like George Müller, Hudson Taylor, and Charles Finney were often read to bolster our faith. Now, I pray to have my prayers answered so long as the prayer is in line with a promise in scripture. For a quick example, we know that God is not willing that any should perish but have everlasting life. So when we pray, we can say, "Father, you say you are not willing that any man perish without salvation. We claim this promise as we believe it applies here. Bring...... to salvation. Amen."
This is a second thought. To often we say"in Yeshua's name etc." This reduces our faith and makes us feel like it may not be a prayer that is answerable. Not that this is wrong, but it makes our prayers, like petitions with no law or statement following it. If it is promised in the word of God, we must boldly approach the throne of Grace and plead with God. Remember, We are not servants, dependant on the wages from our employer but rather, Adopted sons and if sons, heirs of the promise of eternal life together.