OK everyone has asked me if I am a legalist? Here is my answer...
My Messiah said to obey His Father's commandments/Laws/Torah. All three are the same, so yes I do. And people/friends/family will ask me do you follow all the Torah? And I say YES All that apply to me. Yes I wear Tzitzit's and yes I post His Words on my doors/gates and yes I eat clean and yes we say the Shema in the mornings and at night and more (OK I sing it)..... and so on. It's not hard at all BUT it will help me to remember what our G-d did for us all day long. It's also helps me all day long to remember all the great things He has done for me. Is that a bad thing? Is it a bad thing to think about my G-d and His Son all day long? And yes people will tell me I don't have to do that anymore and I reply 1. I don't agree with you but I think that's the wrong mind set. 2. Do you think our G-d cares that I want to be reminded of the great things He has done for us? It ALL points to His Son anyway right? I love ALL my friends. And please don't ask we if I sacrifice animals we all know Yeshua already became our sacrifice. Kim Williams is right I should add that I do All the Feast days of Yah and I blow the Shofar lol.