Shalom everyone, this is my first real solo mom week. I had people visit me the other 4 weeks since my husband's incarceration. I was able to file for power of attorney, which means I can sell stuff that was in both of our names. To try and maybe offset the cost of not having an income anymore!
There are still so many struggles. I have prayed to overcome them all! Like when my children start fighting amongst themselves.... I feel so lost as to how to get them to stop, and love each other instead of argue and fight. I pray for peace in my home every day.
I'm also praying for someone like a nanny, and also a mentor for the boys. Like, I could give the nanny room and board for exchange of helping me out once or twice a day. During the chaotic times, or the times when I have phone calls, meetings, and so on...
the boys, oh how do I raise righteous little men to become grown men someday?
and the logistics of everything! It's only been 4 weeks. if i start thinking about the whole.... I am overwhelmed. I have to tackle whatever is right in front of me. sometimes those giants are seen and sometimes they are unseen.
I need more encouragement.
thanks for listening!! hugs!!!