#GoodMorning and #happywednesday! March 02 #BibleStudy links to readings and study resources:


Psalm 61 forms a chiastic structure:

Psa 61:1-8

1a) Psa 61:1-2, Hear my cry, O God, attend to my prayer;

1b) Psa 61:3-4, You have sheltered me so that I abide in Your tabernacle forever;

central axis) Psa 61:5, “For You, O God, have heard my vows; You have given me the heritage of those who fear Your name;”

2b) Psa 61:6-7, You will prolong the king’s life and he shall abide before God forever;

2a) Psa 61:8, Hear my praise sung to Your name forever.

David was crazy in love with the Lord His God and sought after being in His presence — the meaning of abiding in His tabernacle. David did not just want to be in church, He wanted to be in the Lord’s presence. The presence of the Lord dwelt above the mercy seat of the ark of the covenant, in between the cherubim.

Have you ever wondered, since David was so highly favored and a man after God’s own heart, why his life contained so many trials, so many enemies, so many fearful and impossible situations so that he had no choice but to put His trust in God, or be overwhelmed? I have.

The psalms were fruit that was borne out of the trials, enemies, and impossible situations of David’s life. Because David faced trials, and God showed Himself strong on David’s behalf, mankind has the blessing of the psalms to draw upon when facing any trial.

Sometimes our trials are not about us. Sometimes it is about others who will be served because I went through what I went through.

When we take up our cross and follow Him, we walk in His footsteps. He came to serve and not be served. He suffered and died for our sake, not for His sake. Our comfort in this life might not be God’s first goal for us! But suffering and death is not the end of the story. RESURRECTION LIFE waits for us; an eternal weight of glory waits for us! Dwelling in YHVH’s presence forever waits for us!

#Bible #DailyBread #wednesdaywisdom

mewe @ mewe.com/join/a_little_perspective
Gab @ ChristineMiller
Torah Network @ ChristineMiller
