Pray Everyday.

Glorious YeHoVah I seek your strength and your might. Equip me with the whole armor of YeHoVah. So that I am able to stand against the wiles of haSatan. I know that I am not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickedness in high places. This is why I must guard myself with the whole armor of YeHoVah so that I will be able to withstand in the evil day and having to do all to stand, for your Glory YeHoVah. I shall stand having my loins girt about with Truth and I shall wear the breastplate of Righteousness. My feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace. Above all, I shall take up the shield of faith so that I shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and I shall take the helmet of Salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of YeHoVah. I equip myself for your Glory YeHoVah. Use my body and spirit as You see fit for my soul belongs to you YeHoVah. In Yeshua haMashiach Kodesh name. Amen.