As both a Biblical Wellness Coach and as someone who's lived with chronic health issues myself, when I read Scripture, those verses that mention health seem to just JUMP off the page at me! This passage is one of them.

In my journey towards wellness, I've realized that I can't just rely on human understanding alone when it comes to health and wellness. I need to be seeking God in ALL things, and my health is no exception! After all, HE is our Ultimate Healer!!

Proverbs 3:7-8 says "Fear the LORD and depart from evil, and it will be HEALTH to your body and STRENGTH to your bones!"

If you're battling with an ongoing health issue, take it to the Father! Ask Him to reveal if there is any hidden sin within you that you need to deal with and repent of, especially any that might be contributing to your health issue. Then REPENT and TURN from those evils ways and claim the promises of His Word and watch how He begins to work miracles in your life! ?

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"Trust in YaHoVaH with all your heart,
do not rely on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him
then He will level your paths.

Don't be conceited about your own wisdom,
but fear YaHoVah and turn from evil.
This will bring you health to your body
and give strength to your bones."
[Proverbs 3:5-8 CJB]

#health #wellness #scriptures #healing
