Has an "affair" or "moral failure" been brought forth ....and dealt with in a way that you were uncomfortable, but couldn't put a finger on it?

There is a reason.


I've read several testimonies on this topic...and I am SO GRIEVED.
? There is mob mentality and demonic influence within congregations that condition "good people" to go with the judgment of their leadership. The leadership precedes in UN-biblical ways and causes their biases to sway whole congregations to become shunners and shame the victim.
Please PLEASE reevaluate things on your own with Messiah guiding you to the real REAL truth of how things are REALLY done at "church" or "fellowship".
You might think you have nothing to do with it....yeah, yeah you do! IF you don't stand for the truth, you are condoning the lies.
"I was dizzy with confusion and deeply afraid when he told me that. I’m not in love with him, I thought. But for years he had positioned himself as the authority on “spiritual discernment”—able to see the inner thoughts of others. Surely he must see this in me, I thought, even though it was not what I felt and certainly not what I wanted."
"As terrorizing as the abuse was, I agree with many survivors I have since met; victim shaming and blaming often causes more trauma than the abuse itself. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from clergy sexual abuse and the subsequent victim shaming and blaming is intense and persists for years."
===>"Instead of providing help and support to the victim on their healing journey, people who victim shame and blame reinforce the lies that the abuser told in order to disempower, degrade, demoralize, and exploit the victim. Some of the many negative messages that the victim then receives is that he or she is not worthy of being rescued, defended, and loved. A Christlike response is needed. "
