Reading some articles on the sacrificial system and one of them said this:
"Paul also alludes to the relationship between the body and the Temple: “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16). For the analogy to function, one cannot dismiss that on which it is based. What Paul is saying is that just as the Temple and the priesthood function to manifest God’s presence, so too, do we by living faithfully to his commandments.

With this in mind, we can see why the prophets would be so harsh against the people of Israel when they were not living up to God’s law. Because obedience is the basis for God’s ability to dwell among them, when the people of Israel are disobedient, the offerings in the Temple mean nothing."

This stuck out to me and was too good to share. Here is the link to the whole article:

The Body of Sacrifices | DISCOVER | First Fruits of Zion

The Body of Sacrifices | DISCOVER | First Fruits of Zion

Could God have created an entire set of commandments only to be replaced and abolished? Doesn’t Yeshua show love and respect for God’s holy dwelling place? Instead of dismissing the Temple and the sacrifices, let’s explore how they can actually upho