Studying some about tzitzit and the hem of the robe I read somethings about near eastern cultures. What I read said that the hem of a robe was sometimes decorated and that those decorations would be an extension of the individual signifying the person's social status, position, and authority. I found this interesting since the tzitzit were place on the corner of the robe where the hem was.

This made me think of when David cut off the corner of Saul's robe. It makes sense that he cut off the part where the tzitzit would be. With what I just mentioned Saul's robe hem might have been decorated signifying his authority. Since David cut off the corner of the robe, where the tzitzit was, he was symbolically cutting off God's word and Saul's authority as king.

This might explain David's remorse for "attacking" Saul in this matter because it was such a profound action. This would also explain Saul's reasoning for saying later in the chapter that he now knew that David would be king. Let me know what you think or if you have heard this about the hem of the robe in ancient near eastern cultures.