REMEMBER! There are 6 T’s in life that you should live by with YHVH:

T = Time = YHVH wants your time, He wants all your time, He wants your energy, He just want you to share everything with Him.

T = Talent = YHVH wants your talent. Everything that you're good at, you should always give praise to Adonai and for allowing you to share in that purpose to everybody in your life.

T = Treasure = Your treasure of family and children and you should always thank YHVH for that treasure.

T = Truth = Always trust in YHVH and live by your truth and YHVH’s truth and read your Bible, get into the Word and know YHVH’s truth and know what He has planned for you.

T = Trust = We experience things every day that we don’t plan and we don’t really want to go through but we have to trust in YHVH and know that everything happens for a reason and know that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Even though we go through hardships and tough times and sometimes lose people in our lives, things will always get better. YHVH always have a bigger plan for us.

T = Testimony = Always have a testimony, however big or small and share that with other people. It is important to share YHVH’s Love and what He has done for you. That is how we spread the Words of Yeshua, by loving Him and sharing what He means for us in our lives.