I was thinking about something I thought was fairly straightforward. The concept of coming to Yah like that of a child.

This at first meant to me and still does, eager, with wonder, with excitement, and love. I pictured a child’s giddy play time and their ease of taking info in and so heartedly living in the world of their imagination. Quite frankly the idea of having genuine faith in something not seen.

Recently it has taken on a new concept which I’ve not heard many using in this way. To come to Yah as a blank slate. To let go of all teachings, concepts, bitterness, and preconceived truths.

That you cannot perceive the truth, know the truth, if you think you know it all already. You are not teachable.

His ways are higher than our own and our righteousness are as dirty rags. Even in our own understanding we still need to remain teachable. To be the essence of a child. Always, blank and with room for Yah to write instructions on our hearts. To teach us.

Just a thought, maybe one others understood before me, but one I think that is always good for a reminder in loving Yah.
