Shalom Shalom family ?

Awake me in the Spirit of YHVH and cleanliness. Let me rejoice and be glad all day long. Give me the strength to walk upright, declaring the glory of YHVH to the ends of the earth.

Our Heavenly Father and great I Am, thank You for a new day filled with blessings and Your Grace. Thank You for werking us with renewed minds and strength to face this day knowing You are with us. Thank You for the ability to place our feet on the way of Your paths today. We pray for the prosperity to flow throughout this day as You bless the work of our hands. We pray for Your blessings and peace to be in our homes and workplaces. Please shield and protect all families, uniting them in love. Help us not to complain about things but to give continuous thanks for all we already have. Please bless our children and fill them with renewed Spirit of righteousness and steadfastness. Help them to make right descicions and fill them with wisdom to do all that You have planned for them. Please bless every friend with Your Shalom and bless them in every way. We give thanks for Your Healing powers, saving Grace and everlasting love. Thank You for forgiveness and helping us to know the difference between right and wrong. Please fill our day with joy and gladness, giving us the strength to walk away from anything that is not from You. Thank You for our daily bread and provisions. Thank You for Your Amazing love and Mercy. We love You and need You. Forgive us our trespasses against Thee and others.Let Your will be done on earth as in heaven. Let Your Kingdom come. Amein

Be blessed and stay blessed ?