Shalom Ladies!!! We want to invite each of you to share on the podcast! Although we have had some AMAZING special guests lately, this podcast is for and about YOU! We are all just women who try their best every day to walk in Torah! We do not care what you do or don't wear, where you do or don't live, if you work or stay home, if you're married or single, etc, etc, & so on.

We Care That You Love Messiah! None of us are perfect at following Torah, by any means, but because we are His we all have something to share! You don't have to have eloquent speech (Moses didn't either LOL).

Just Be Yourself, Be Brave & Join Us! You May Help A Sister!

We will record again this week on Wednesday at 2 PM EST. If that time doesn't work, please message or email us and we will arrange a time that does.

You are also invited to chat with other women of Torah on our Esther 4:14 Ministries App! The Conversation is Just Beginning so Join Us!!!

Lets Create A Community Where There's NO ulterior motives or competition; Just Building Each Other Up!

Blessings In Messiah!

Host of Lashes, Lattes & Leviticus
