Do you tolerate feminist shaming in your life?
Do you tolerate the pushback from those women who feel that you have done things in an incorrect manner?
Well, are you the head of your home?
Do you allow this behavior in your own home? Tolerate? Ignore?
Oh I know, you look for compromise right?
Do you allow this behavior to steer your decisions and your own behavior?
When did a loudmouth woman have more power and strength than man? - when he gave it to her?

When did the thoughts and ideals of women shape civilization?

When society falls apart at a moment of crisis, which of these female generated ideals will remain?

Do you men build civilizations or do women?

We the people Israel, we tolerate A cancer in our bones. The brash woman. The disagreeable and contrary woman. The usurping manipulative woman.

Then we tolerate western churchianity doctrine like the proverbs 31 woman was an independent woman. Elohim created man and woman as equal partners.
Mixed in with a little, “the man is the head but the woman is the neck. “

Then we wonder why our people are more like the tail than the head.
