I've been seeing recently a drop in arguing over the common issues I have run into believers arguing about. Now everyone has seemed to moved into arguing over what God is. Is He one? Is He three-in-one? Is He something else? Who is Jesus/Yeshua in relation to God?

Discussions are great and it is how iron sharpens iron. We go and reason with each other over Scriptures and show what we are seeing and listen to what someone else is seeing. That isn't what I am witnessing though: two sides with their boxes ready for God proclaiming their box is the only one that is right and if you believe in the other box, well, you either aren't really saved or you are worshipping an idol.

We've got to stop! Even in looking through the arguments these folks are having, they are just splitting hairs. All the verses being used to support one view can easily be used to support the other view as well. God is our Creator. He is a being that is beyond our comprehension to be able to understand so fully we can have a "box", a set of descriptors that fully encompasses Him. When He showed Himself to Moses, he covered Moses up and then only let him see his backside. How, if only one person even got a glimpse of Him and part of that was covered, could we say we can accurately and definitively describe God? We should show Him more reverence than that.


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The Straight + Narrow - This isn't what we should be doing

The Straight + Narrow - This isn't what we should be doing

This isn't what we should be doing