Shalom everyone. i hope You all had a blessed Pesakh with THE LORD. i believe i got a bit of a Revelation about Passover this past weekend and i wanted to share it with You.

As You may know the only foods we are instructed from SCRIPTURE to eat at The Pesakh are The Lamb, unleavened bread, and bitter herbs. We have all heard for many years that the bitter herbs represents the bitterness of slavery and SCRIPTURE specifically calls unleavened bread “the bread of affliction”. But what about The Lamb? THE LORD says in HIS TORAH that we are not to offer HIM anything without salt and The Passover Lamb was to be roasted over fire. So the other two foods represented affliction and bitterness but The Lamb was salted and fire roasted. That means The Lamb is the only part of the Passover meal that tasted good.

So too in this life. In all Your troubles and bitter afflictions look to THE LAMB OF GOD because HE is the only thing that is good in our lives. YESHUA said that in this life all who choose to follow HIM will suffer trials and persecutions. But HE has also promised to all who belong to HIM that if You are willing to undergo the bitterness of this life for HIS NAME sake and to share in HIS affliction that they will taste of HIS goodness forever.