REMEMBER: You Are An Ambassador!

In What Way Might Believers be Called YHVH’s Ambassadors?

Believers Represent the Kingdom of YHVH:
[We are Moshiach’s ambassadors and YHVH is using us to speak to you. We urge you, as though Moshiach Himself were here pleading with you, ‘Be reconciled to YHVH!] -- 2 Corinthians 5:20. An ambassador is an official representative from one country to another. As believers, we are Moshiach’s ambassadors, sent with His Message of reconciliation to the world. An ambassador of reconciliation has an important responsibility. We dare not take this responsibility lightly. How well are you fulfilling your commission as Moshiach’s ambassador?

Believers Represent YHVH
[Then Adonai said to Moses, ‘Pay close attention to this. I will make you seem like YHVH to Pharaoh. Your brother Aaron, will be your prophet; he will speak for you.] -- Exodus 7:1. YHVH called Moses His ambassador. An ambassador represents another country, another type of people and often another point of view. We are each YHVH’s ambassadors; representing to the world that believers are a different kind of people with a different lifestyle. Much of the world knows nothing about YHVH except what it sees in the lives of YHVH’s people. What kind of Elohim would they think you represent? Taking note of how you come across to others gives you a good indication of how well you are representing YHVH. Let Ruach HaKodesh use your actions today to show others the Kingdom of YHVH. Let the Light of Yeshua attract those around you.