We Need to Use this Platform

This platform is a unique opportunity for us to evangelize simply by networking. The way search engines work is by a literal popularity contest. The more traffic a site gets, the higher its ranking based on the content of the site. Since this site is oriented toward us Torah-keepers, if we use it, then when people all over the world look up phrases we use, like “Messianic believers” or “Christians who keep Torah”, this site will start to sift to the top of the search engines, bring people here, and then they can learn about us. This Torah site is incredibly unique because those who use it most are actually getting along. That’s a miracle.

But for this to work and flourish, we have to use the site. I started thinking about this in the last few days because I started paying attention to Truth Social about a week ago. I’ve made 1000 contacts there in a week. I’m not bragging, it’s a huge site and everyone is in the “let’s follow each other” mode. But I’ve smashed the “add friend” button on this site hundreds of times and only have 71 people accept. I very seldom get a friend request. Since people may just not want to have me in their contacts (it happens, such is life online), I looked at the profiles of many of those who use this site regularly. Of those who are letting their contacts be visible. I couldn’t find anyone even close to 100 contacts on here except our wonderful host and his wife. On a site with 2500 members, that’s pretty sad. On a site with 2500 members who have very similar religious and political beliefs, that’s really sad.

So let’s not allow this opportunity to get away from us. Let’s commit to stopping by the site daily or so. Share something, comment on something, and do some networking here. While the site isn’t fully mobile yet, it does work rather well on a mobile browser, which I use pretty often. We need to remember our knowledge and calling is to make Talmidim of the nations. This site is a great chance to do that. Let’s not let that chance slip away.